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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
279 REPLIES 279

When Marsmallow didn't have stamina I used to get 3-4 full days with no problems (only on doze). Now, with latest update I am getting almost 1 and a half day tops, with same usage, settings and apps.

It is a fact that stamina on Z1 and Z3 compact are performing better than on Z5 compact.


guys i'm confused i purchased z5 premium dual sim and im now on 5.1.1 OS 

battery life is decent i get 3:30 to 4 hrs on screen time using and almost get through the day 

i want to upgrade to android 6 but i read alot of negative comments regarding it 

i need your advice if i upgraded to 6 is better for performence and battery life or it is going to be worse 
so i will make it simple does t worthy this upgrade or i have to stay on android 5.1.1 better for me 
you support highly appreciated

this is not an answer the thread you are telling me about is for z5 compact and i need answer for z5 premium it is not the same at all thanks

@Ahmed1986 wrote:

guys i'm confused i purchased z5 premium dual sim and im now on 5.1.1 OS 

battery life is decent i get 3:30 to 4 hrs on screen time using and almost get through the day 

i want to upgrade to android 6 but i read alot of negative comments regarding it 

i need your advice if i upgraded to 6 is better for performence and battery life or it is going to be worse 
so i will make it simple does t worthy this upgrade or i have to stay on android 5.1.1 better for me 
you support highly appreciated

It 's like asking how you take a bottle of water . Depending on how much you're thirsty . In any case make sure that after upgrade you do factroy reset . In my case ( I did not use stamina and i'm getting is almost the same thing)


please someone could tell me if it is true that there will be an update of MM to include STAMINA mode again? Thank you

I called Sony Germany today. They don´t know when and if an update will come. They are addicted to Google. If an update is coming it will not be an original Sony Stamina Mode. It will be Google Doze again. 

The only way to get Stamina back is to downgrade to 5.1.1. They are claiming warranty will be lost but german courts decided already it will not be lost. 

You can also get a part of your money back, because it will not have the same features after an update, but without there will be security problems. It is the same like you buy an V8 Mercedes and a year later Mercedes comes, changes your engine to a normal 4 cyl.. Of course, that will not happen, but Sony does so to their Xperia Consumers regarding to Android 6.


Same info apply to the Z5 Premium


If you do not unlock bootloader and just flash STOCK Lollipop firmware then everything is ok for the warranty.

From XDA you can get (most probably) the correct firmware for your region. Beside that, use flashtool.


I'm sure it's been mentioned lots already but I need to mention it too - something needs to be done about stamina mode to make it more like it was before. I realise that it's a lot to do with the android system itself, but stamina mode used to be really great. Now, I can't use Chromecast, there's no vibration from Whatsapp messages, Google now doesn't work properly, etc etc. I have to switch between having it on and off in order to do many things, and with it switched off the battery will barely get to end of the day, usually not even that. Saying that the battery will last two days should be appended with a further explanation saying that this is only the case if you completely hamstring the phone.

In short, please do something to return to the greatness of the old stamina mode, it was something that made Xperia great, and something the new Xperia is sorely in need of.