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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
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This is stupid for them to remove Stamina mode, Doze only works with the screen off and once the phone is stationary for 30 minute's. That's not practical or optimal all, what if we people work and move around with the phone in our pocket, Doze will never work/activate thus making it an obsolete 'battery saver'. I'm not going to be updating to Android 6 until Sony bring back Stamina mode.

Absolutely you're right and I'm thinking the same way, the stamina mode was the most powerful function of Sony,

I bought this phone especially for stamina mode, come on Sony we want to stamina back...


Previously with Stamina mode my phone can last till late evening...but now without it, I need to start charging my phone by afternoon! We want back our Stamina mode.

Hope you guys knew that stamina mode  reduce the Phone performance.  whats the point of using a high end phone with poor performance... google is smart.  i think sony understood that too.. thats why tehy  remove stamina mode. 

seriously .. now the phone  is performing much better.. and battery also.. with  good standby..  my screen is on for 4-5 hr a day .. and my phone  battery backup  is as good as  like stamina mode. but this time the perfirmance is good. 


Different strokes for different folks...some bought the phone for its performance, some bought it for its "2-day battery life" feature, while others bought for different reasons...If I want performance, I have the option of not activating Stamina mode, whereas when I need maximum battery life, Stamina mode has been an outstanding feature which I have the option of activating...but it's no longer the case with MM both Stamina and Ultra Stamina modes are no longer an option...and this is where Sony must keep its brand and product features claim promise (as stated in their Z5 Premium product site)...and not deprieve its customers the very features that were promoted and promised...otherwise it can be deemed a misrepresentation, misleading or false product feature claims on the part of Sony.


I agree @simon2u, how can Sony get rid of one of the important exclusive features of the Xperia phones, it's one of the main reasons for buying the Z5. Now they've replaced it with crummy Doze which is accessible to all android phones with Marshmallow. It is misleading and a false feature claim if they get rid of something which gave up to 2 days battery life, this is unacceptable and darn right insulting to rid a fully working battery saving feature.
I sure hope they bring it back as I have used Doze before and it's a gimmicky 'battery saver' which doesn't boost battery life by any significant amount, nothing in comparison to that of Stamina mode and Ultra Stamina mode.

Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen my battery life plumit below 30% on a normal working day. I wouldn't have ever expected a system update to make the battery life so disgustingly bad! BRING BACK OUR STAMINA MODE SONY! One of the main reasons to own an Xperia was to show off how impeccable battery life is compared to those apple chumps. This has to get fixed imminently!

On marshmallow I find the battery way better. Unplugged my phone Wednesday and charged it Friday night. 4hour screen time too! Big improvement

Unfortunately, no..

Doze dims the screen brightness and restricts performance while the phone is actively used.

I want the phone to work normally when I activate it and stop doing anything while I am not actively using it (except receiving calls and sms) .

That was possible with Sony on Stamina mode and it was the reason I eventually preferred Xperia z5c versus a Samsung counterparty.

With Stamina the battery lasted at least 3 days with daily usage of e-mail, youtube, facebook, mind games etc. 

In my opinion this MM update without Stamina is a bad joke that will cost me several hours of resetting the system back to its factory settings and redo the customization - since there's no rollback option. I'm not happy with this.

The phone was not cheap, I expected more respect from Sony for the price I paid.


Where is ultra/stamina mode after upgrade to Android 6.0 for Z5 compact? Please help