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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
279 REPLIES 279

Imdont think so, previously with stamina was good and now after upgrading it worst. The battery keep draining even you are not using it.


Here's a video of my current consumption after a full day of moderate usage. Battery drained 1/3 with more than 2 hours on time screen + whatsapp all day + 48 mins phone call + watched one episode on youtube of "Orange is the new black" + Dual SIM + half brightness + wifi + 19 mins whatsapp call + few SMS + few browsing.....

Left home around 11 AM and I'm back at 12:30 AM ( 13 hours later with no charger and I still have 63% )

Honestly I'm very satisfied with battery life and that was a busy Sunday... not a day at work where you barely touch your phone. I'm not a gamer so I don't really know about gaming experience but NO heat and NO battery drain.

My almost 3 y old Xperia Z on 5.1.1 still give me a good day without charge. Sony ? yeah that's why I love this brand. It's quality.

AND MY DEVICE IS AT 320 DPI and it's lightning fast... see video....


are you on marshmallow?

I assume you're asking me. If so, yes on MM watch the video. 


To be honest this is a really subjective topic because people use their phones for different things also battery consumption also is affected by how good you reception is to your network although it might not be a huge factor in the battery life just like battery life differs from somebody who uses their phone to play games vs using it for phone calls emails and text messages I for one don't like the idea of doze mode because it doesn't give you the opportunity to control specific applications right now as it stands on my Z5 compact I notice that my projected battery life is lower than it is when I had lollipop although it does say that it is an estimate I don't have much confidence in this setting for the fact that you can't control specific applications and by the way it sounds doze mode doesn't even seem optimal. I think it's a poor desicion on Sony's part. I never liked Googles attempt on innovative features anyway... Look at Google Now. I'd personally like to see stamina mode back it was a better implementation of a battery saving option on a very unique line of phones in Sony destroyed the uniqueness by allowing Google to call the shots and Google is not the say all in technology in fact I think they're not a really advanced technology at all Google is a horrible company



I updated to marshmallow and my battery doesn't last half as long as it did when I used stamina mode. I do not constantly use my phone and with stamina mode I coukd make it 8+ hours and my battery would be between 60-70%. Now with Doze my phone battery gets down to 30-40% in the same time period. I was very disappointed to see that stamina mode was no longer an option.

I have opposite feeling, my battery lasts longer on Z5.

It is just doing worse when in standby mode (screen off) as indeed STAMINA mode was doing better in this area.
Other than that I am happy with battery life as overall it lasts longer for me.  


This is not fair, Sony. Most of us chose these phones for their unique battery features. At worst you could have kept the option of using Stamina or Doze.
I have not updated luckilu but have downloaded the update. Bow I have this annoying notification that wouldn't go.

Argh, never again will I set anything to automatic update Slightly_frowning_Face

Hello all

This may look stupid but i cannot find power managment or stamina activation! 

this is due to new updates? 

