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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
279 REPLIES 279

@jjjjjjjjj8887786jggh Read this thread.


I bought a Sony z5 compact. I was using the stamina mode on the phone by tapping the battery icon and selecting it. The battery icon would then have a plus sign next to it and it would work. Sony sent a software upgrade the other day and since then it's gone and I can't get the stamina modes up anywhere even through searching just plain old battery saver. Can anyone help?

Dcr1: We lost Stamina after upgrading Slightly_frowning_Face

i'm hoping SONY bring it back


Hopefully Sony wake up and realise that Doze is a clear downgrade, then bring back Stamina mode and Ultra Stamina mode functions as they were exclusive and vital aspects of the Xperia line.

A fantastic feature which could make the phone last for a week. It has gone on Marshmallow. I sometimes like having a basic set of features when on hols or just wanting to 'switch off' from email / shopping/Internet.It allows you to use the radio, make calls etc but reduces all other distractions. So rare to be able to do this. Come on Sony, bring it back!


This is what Sony said about STAMINA mode:

Battery STAMINA Mode has been replaced with Google’s Doze and App Standby?

Battery STAMINA Mode provides a smart solution for managing power consumption, as does the combination of Doze and App Standby - so you can still enjoy using your device for longer with optimised battery life.

Doze intelligently regulates power consumption when the device is in standby, when the screen is off. App Standby further improves battery life by reducing the activity and data access of apps running in the background.

Because of the similarities - and as Doze and App Standby are integrated directly into Android 6.0 - we decided to remove Battery STAMINA Mode in this particular upgrade to ensure users can enjoy the same experience, without compromising on memory or processing power.

Is this the end for Sony’s Battery STAMINA Mode?

We can’t comment on the future of Battery STAMINA Mode, but as we know battery life is one of the major user smartphone pain points, we continue to develop bleeding-edge power consumption and saving solutions.


SONY: give us STAMINA mode back and those 2 days battery life you have promised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks. All good, but occasionally all I need is a phone, not a smart phone and loved the fact my Xperia could give me that and a weeks battery life. A bit of genius from Sony that reflects that there might be a time we won't be near a charger for a prolonged period.

Absolutely unacceptable response from Sony. The experience is clearly different and inferior without Stamina and Ultra Stamina mode. Doze + App Standby do not match up to Stamina mode, not even close. Sony seems to have broken its product features claim by omitting Stamina mode. I bought this phone after reading about Stamina mode and watching their promo video. Sony must reinstate Stamina and Ultra Stamina mode. More users must write and call their hotline to request the reinstall reinstatement of these features.

Try this go to setting-batteru usage-click 3 dots up corner-battery saver