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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
279 REPLIES 279

By default android MM optimizes all apps for battery but you can unselect the ones you don't want it to optimize. I've noticed a huge improvement to the battery life and performance... Opening apps and closing them and generally using the device is very fast. No lag. Looking forward to 6.0.1 to see what else is in store for us.

Battery STAMINA Mode has been replaced with Google’s Doze and App Standby?
Battery STAMINA Mode provides a smart solution for managing power consumption, as does the combination of Doze and App Standby - so you can still enjoy using your device for longer with optimised battery life.
Doze intelligently regulates power consumption when the device is in standby, when the screen is off. App Standby further improves battery life by reducing the activity and data access of apps running in the background.
Because of the similarities - and as Doze and App Standby are integrated directly into Android 6.0 - we decided to remove Battery STAMINA Mode in this particular upgrade to ensure users can enjoy the same experience, without compromising on memory or processing power.

Is this the end for Sony’s Battery STAMINA Mode?
We can’t comment on the future of Battery STAMINA Mode, but as we know battery life is one of the major user smartphone pain points, we continue to develop bleeding-edge power consumption and saving solutions

Cheers, nice to know that we still have the option to choose which apps we want unchecked from Doze, glad to hear it's improved the battery life even more. Looking forward to receiving the update.

No that’s wrong with Doze you have to leave your phone be no touching or moving it I believe it use motion detector for activating doze mode, and it´s google who decides what’s allowed to disturb, you cannot choose which app.

Se here

For me that’s a big fail and i will not upgrade to MM for now.



Doze is working only when phone is locked, and screen is off.

But what about battery saving when you're using your phone.

Stamina mode was working really good, and allowed you to save good amount of battery.

I updated my phone yesterday, and only got about 3,5 hour of screen time.

I was able to get 5,5 - 6 hours of screen time with stamina mode on, low battery mode at 20% and queue background data.

Now all of these features are removed completely, and doze doesn't save power consumption when you're actively using your phone on daily basis.


Hi battery stamina mode not working when you using your phone. its works only if your phone is not working.

As well as Doze, the marshmallow update includes battery saver which restricts performance just the same way as stamina mode.
I am getting MUCH better battery life with 6.0

A lot of for and against claims regarding Stamina mode vs Doze, I'm quite reluctant to update to Marshmallow if people say that the battery is worse and you can't select which apps you want active when Doze is active. However some say Doze is better than Stamina mode, I guess I will have to wait for video review with a versus scenario comparing both Stamina mode and Doze performance.

Then u can do the same quite thing with Doze

Application - Settings - Avanced - Battery Optimization - Switch to ALL APP and for every app U don't want Doze, you can click on Dont' Optimize and so on viceversa Winking_Face

I can say to have more battery with more apps on the ground Winking_Face

Doze is a Stamina Mode made by Google and so every producer can have it by default without building other battery saver Winking_Face

More or less are the same things

Now is up to Sony how combine two things without having bugs in notifications