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Audio drivers for downgrading to xp on AR51M


Audio drivers for downgrading to xp on AR51M

today I got my new laptop and my first job is to get XP on it.
I have managed to get practically everything working in XP except for the audio. I've been looking all over to try and sort this out but no matter what I try I cant get it working.

Ive tried the vista drivers and drivers from various places.

I currently have 2 problems.

1. Pop up on windows start:

Rthdcpl - EAccessViolation

2. SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC - yellow ! in device manager with error 10 - device cant start.

Can anyone point me to some drivers that will work?


Hi evilenglishman and welcome.

Have you installed the UAA High Definition Audio Class Sound Driver (KB835221). This is needed by XP to be able to recognise your sound driver.

I attach it here - just run the .EXE



Hi There
I managed to get that last night and it has stopped my SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC error 10.

I still have the Rthdcpl - EAccessViolation error though


I downloaded the AR2 drivers from the vaio site which seem to work and i am now only missing a realtek driver. My audio is working but any realtek driver i install seems to give me that same error on reboot:

Rthdcpl - EAccessViolation error

any ideas?

I also have a "network controller" missing - not sure what that could be at this point as the modem, bluetooth and ethernet is working.


today I got my new laptop and my first job is to get XP on it.
I have managed to get practically everything working in XP except for the audio. I've been looking all over to try and sort this out but no matter what I try I cant get it working.

Ive tried the vista drivers and drivers from various places.

I currently have 2 problems.

1. Pop up on windows start:

Rthdcpl - EAccessViolation

2. SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC - yellow ! in device manager with error 10 - device cant start.

Can anyone point me to some drivers that will work?

Dear All AR51M users,
I have had a terrible time trying to get XP-Pro onto my VGN-AR51M laptop.
But at last I found a LINK that unlike all the others did the trick


And LINK-2

I purchased two of the AR51M’s one for the Office and the other for the Studio,
The Office one still has Vista at the moment but only for experimental reasons.
The XP-Pro AR51M is running nearly twice as fast and consumes about half
The battery life.
The Vista runs worse and slower than me HP 17” laptop now four years old.

The way to explain the difference is this:
A Sony Vaio VGN-AR51M laptop with a XP OS, is a remarkable Laptop that is very impressive.
BUT on the other hand !!!
A Sony Vaio VGN-AR51M laptop running on Vista is very disappointing and if I was an honest reviewer then I would only give it 2 stars. **.

Now the problems that I still have are drivers for the
Network Controller,
The WiFi
The Audio
The Video Controller VGA Compatible.

I will keep you in touch if you wish on the final outcome before
I downgrade No2 VGN-AR51M

Best Regards
And in anticipation thanks for any help anyone can supply me.

Tony Arnold


Dear All,
Got the network controller fixed and the WiFi, just need to get the
audio running tried the
UAA High Definition Audio Class Sound Driver (KB835221)
But no luck

I need help so I know how it feels
Anyone wanting help with what I have up to date
drop me a line.

Thanks for the help we have from you all



I have almost completed Vista downgrade to XP Pro on my AR51E
My one remaining unsolved driver issue is the Sigmatel sound
and the only device left is a " HD audio codec"


my apologies - I posted without finishing !!

further to my last :
I do not as yet have sound - evilenglishman can you please advise which
method/driverset you used to install on yours ?

One more little glitch is that using standby generates a BSOD - is anyone else
suffering from this ?

many thanks
Martin Shaw


my apologies - I posted without finishing !!

further to my last :
I do not as yet have sound - evilenglishman can you please advise which
method/driverset you used to install on yours ?

One more little glitch is that using standby generates a BSOD - is anyone else
suffering from this ?

many thanks
Martin Shaw

Dear Martin,
First Go to "Control Panel" then "Add & Remove" and remove
If you have not installed kb835221 then don't worry
If you have, and you can't see it in "Add & Remove"
Click on Add/Remove Windows Components it should then show itself.

Second go to

And download the later Driver kb888111 for your version XP

Third Go to "Control Panel" then "SYSTEM" then "Hardware" then
"Device Manager" and uninstall Realtek

Next go to this LINK

And download Audio.rar

Install this,
With my AR51M I got my sound

This has been through a lot of help from others on this Forum
all I have done, is used a bit of advice from each

I would like to thank
geekswithblogs & Надіслано Danath о 8 лист

Now can anyone supply a driver or help me get my Eject -FN Buttons working
& my
NVIDIA Display driver working correctly

I would be most grateful

Best Regards



Dear All,

Re: Downgrading the VGN-AR51M to XP Pro'

The Sound is now perfect

I now have the correct drivers for Nvidia Geforce 8400M GT this has now
given me a good screen improved scrolling.

So on to getting the fN , EJECT Ect Ect Buttons to work

Best Regards
