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Android Marshmallow No stamina mode


Android Marshmallow No stamina mode

Since Marshmallow has replaced Stamina mode, can you selectively choose which apps you want to keep running in the background when the screen is off or does doze just disable all background running apps whilst in idle?

I would really like to know this as I only like getting selected app notifications when the screen is off.
Does doze give you the same amount of freedom to selectively choose which apps to keep running in the background?

I'm still waiting for MM but from what I heard there's quite a few problems with it, anyone who has it, any improvements to the camera performance or is it still poor?
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Sony , you must return Stamina mode back. I bought this phone Z5 dual for only battery stamina mode for two days.


Unlucky me since My Sony upgraded to AM6 Slightly_frowning_Face

I have to adjust brightness, turn off wifi,.. to get longer baterry usage. I really hate AM6.

Hopefully SONY bring Stamina back on next upgrade version.



I really wonder if this app standby mode is working (developer options/i nactive apps). I switched most of the apps to inactive but after one night on the charger all my apps are now again active.

I see the same behavior on my Nexus 9 tablet. None of the apps is switched to inactive even though most apps are not used. What would be useful is a force inactive mode as that would be practically identical to stramina mode.


I'm am so glad someone has noticed the difference as have i ! I'm really disappointed with the update as it only seems to drain the battery than actually SAVE it, I am so annoyed I did the update now and spoke to someone in a live chat about this issue and they weren't very helpful and said that it was the phone itself that was the issue and nothing to do with the update.. I beg to differ because the phone would last me pretty much all day until MM came along and now I have no control over the battery optimization of my phone... SMH 


It's sad that MM has downgraded the battery performance severely. Also strange as to why Sony decided to scrap the unique feature of Stamina mode and Ultra Stamina mode, replacing it with something which isn't a battery saver at all.
It's also weird to why Sony employee's never admit to or acknowledge the problem, instead give some form of excuse to beat the problem around the bush, never rectifying it, when there is cleared evidence of poor performance whether it be camera blur or as of now battery performance.
The fact is Doze is a huge step back in battery optimisation and Sony need to bring back Stamina mode, otherwise they could technicaly face prosecutions for falsely advertising the 2 day battery life whilst also stripping away a vital aspect of the phone being the heavily advertised Stamina modes.

So I've read on a few sites that Sony Japans change log for April's Marshmallow update will see the return of Stamina mode, also stating that it has been improved drastically. If this is true then this is absolutely fantastic news for those who lost Stamina mode through the Marshmallow update.
Here is the link :

Ah that's good to know then! I'm glad about that and hope that they stick to their word.

I still have less than one day battery life, there is no way for me to put phone still on desk, so that Doze can activate and spear some juice in the battery, I am constantly moving and have no means to preserve energy.

For me this is betrayal. I bought the phone to have premium features from Sony that I liked, instead I am presented with some unstatisfactory features from google. If I wanted google features I would take nexus cheap scrap.

You do not buy premium model to put up with ordinary features, you demand great features thah comes with the label. 

It is like to buy ferrary, then go to maintenance in the official service and then realize that they changed the sport engine with some other cheap engine, just because it smoking from the back too...


The battery life on my Z5 Dual is far less impressive ever since the update to Marshmallow. After a relatively long wait for an update for what was a brand new phone when Marshmallow began going out, this is the latest in a line of disappointments where this phone is concerned for me. Admittedly, if Stamina mode is brought back then it may make things better. Whenever the Xperia line opts to make something more like a stock Google product, the phone just becomes cheaper and ever-more lacking.

Days before the update I could leave my data on more or less all day in the background. I could also listen to music for 2-3 hours, and record 5 minutes of video, or take around 20-30 photos with the screen at about mid-level brightness. By the time I'd get home the battery would still have a respectable near-30% left on it.

Since the update, the battery just does nothing but decline. I did a 40 minute commute yesterday, with the data off (except for a brief check of my bank account) and the screen brightness slightly reduced. All the phone was used for was music. By the time I arrived at my destination the battery was down to 84%. Without any use again until going home, when it was again used for music for about 40 minutes and nothing else, the battery was down to 27%.

Today was even worse. The phone was used for music in a car journey this morning, the brightness almost all the way down and the data and wifi both off. It was at 95% when I left the house, and after just 20 minutes of playing music and doing nothing else the battery was down to 80%. I turned the phone off as I needed to use it later. Another half hour or so of music later in the day and it was down to 68%. I then used it to take about 40 photos and record about 4 minutes of video. It was down to 6% by the time I was home. Having kept an eye on it, it fell from 68% to 13% in an hour. In the past I have used the phone much more intensively, and the battery would likely not be below 50% back then. Let alone at the point where it urgently needs a charger.

I have a portable battery for the device. Pre-Marshmallow the device was capable of charging up the phone from 0-100% and then having enough excess to then charge the phone up again about another 15% or so. Today was its first use since the update, and it managed to get the phone from 6% to 47% before it ran out of charge.

Having checked that everything is in order, it is ridiculous just how much the battery is being depleted. And it's not a good sign... Android Lollipop caused the same issues to my Xperia Z1 which eventually ended up with a battery that would fall to 80% and then the phone would just switch off. These problems are a recurring pattern, and it seems no matter how much time is given to resolve any issues (I've had the phone for over half a year now) they recur just as frequently.


Stamina mode was great in power saving.With that my phone usually lasted nearly 2 days but after Marshmallow update removing the Stamina mode,the battery hardly last a full day.It drains too fast now.
Sony please bring back Stamina mode!