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W995 - Latest Download now means my phone will not access internet properly

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W995 - Latest Download now means my phone will not access internet properly

Can anyone help please I downloaded the latest update for my W995 handset about 2 weeks ago and now have a load of problems, it will now not access the Internet. Says "Communication error. Please try again or turn off WiFi or contact support provider" the Wifi is def turned off - Orange have tried to fix it by sending me new settings and then turning off phone etc though not worked. It will also not now send emails and cannot locate any phone update via the handset from Sony - any help please!

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Did you tried to install the Softwareupdate again (the same one)?

This helps in the most cases when such bugs appear.

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Thanks - I will have to try it from my computer as the phone will not connect to try and do the update via the Phone

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By the way: Sony Ericsson never provides wireless firmware updates. You always have to update via PC and the Sony Ericsson Update Service Software.

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Thats very interesting, as I had a message from Orange saying my phone needed an update via the computer from Sony Ericsson and then a second message from them (and it was Orange not a spam as I checked they had sent it) saying I could download via my phone internet connection through Orange, which I then proceeded with and the process took over 10 mins. So the question now is what update have I downloaded from Orange that they are conveniently saying is Sony's fault. Do Sony Ericsson staff look at this forum & if so - please could you advise. Meanwhile Micl - many thanks for your asistance - it is greatly appreciated

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Ok this is strange.

Maybe the "wirless update"-function depends not only on SE but on the provider too.

I would still try to update via SEUS. This sounds really strange. :smileygrin:

It would be really nice if any official would say something about this.