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phone locked

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phone locked

hi xperia got locked when my mate tried different patterns to unlock the it asks me to login to unlock the fon.....i tried doing that but it always says that ur user id or password is incorrect even after entering the correct details......i could log in properly on the could i unlock my fon?


Is this the XPERIA X10 you are having the problem with?

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You could use the Update Service - which will wipe the phone and the Google Account log in page; use with caution though as this bricked my phone.

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have the same problem. haven't find solution yet. aggro increases greatly

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i have the same problem with my X10i. only had it a week too, dam technology!

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i'm in shock for real. this bug is know since long time ago and it still not fixed. tonns of ppl report the same thing and their posts are more then half of year old


Use Sony Ericsson PC Companion and select the repair option.

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it's impossible to reach phone mount function because of phone lock