Big battery problem


Big battery problem

Hi all, I'm new in the forum but I got my Xperia L on January earlier this year... I like the product and i'm satisfied with it, but I get a big problem concerning my battery life. It fully discharges in just half a day! I rarely use mobile data and wi-fi, but I text a lot... the biggest problem is that in sleep mode, during an entire night, it loses about 15% of battery, and the normal would be around 3 to 5 %... this doesn't occur every day, some days it can handle 2 days without charging it, but recently this problem has appear with much more frequency... 
I send you guys 2 screenshots of my power management.

Battery UseThe Phone app

As you can see, the "Phone" app is the one that is using more battery... How can I prevent this app from using all this power? Please help me, I don't know how to solve it.

Thank you.



Can't see screenshots mate.

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Alright I'll try to help you. Do you use the stock messaging/sms app or use other apps? Another thing is that I noticed those two icons on top of your screen (status bar), the ones with the green and blue colors. What are those?


Well, I use the stock sms app as Well as the Phone app. The Green color icon is the battery Doctor app and the blue one is the advanced system care...