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screen problem


screen problem

i bought a vaio ns 10 j/s 2 months ago only, and from nothing, an horizontal line appearred on the screen and it would never disappear....what´s is this? what can i do?


Hi aridnachaves and welcome to Club Vaio.

Try it with an external monitor connected to the VGA port. Is this line displayed on the monitor?

If the line is shown on the monitor, the graphics driver may be corrupt. Try reinstalling the original Graphics driver. You should find a new copy of the driver in C:\Drivers but if you cannot find it, you can download a new version from here (you need the Graphics Driver Intel): -

If the line is not shown on the monitor, you may need a repair. You should contact Sony before the warranty runs out. Did you buy this Vaio in Europe? Did you buy an international warranty?

If it was purchased in Europe it will need to be returned to Europe for repair. If you do not have an international warranty, you will have to pay the cost of shipping it.

Good Luck
