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Sony Bravia EX5 55 Internet Connection

Sony Bravia EX5 55 Internet Connection

Hi all,

I'm trying to set up a wired connection to the internet from a Sony Bravia EX5 55. At the moment when I test the connection, I get told that the Cable Connection is OK, but that the Local Access and Internet Access has failed. When the cable is removed and the test run again the Cable Connection fails, so I've ruled out the cable as a problem.

Because this television is being set up in an office through an external point, I need to be able to set the network connection settings manually. When I enter the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and Primary and Secondary DNS and try to continue with the setup, I get the following message:

"Invalid Entry. Please check the IP Address and Default Gateway entry."

I know that the Default Gateway is not the issue, as it is currently being used by a computer connecting externally via the same details, and the IP has been cleared as being unused by any other machine. I don't think that the powers that be want to use a wireless connection, so any information you could give that could help me progress with a wired connection would be greatly appreciated.


The reason that we want to connect the television to the internet via an external router is because the proxy server in the office requires a username and password in order to allow access to the internet, but as far as we are aware, there is no option to enter these details on the television. If there is some way to enter these details, and this method could be outlined to me, that would be very helpful!

Message was edited by: norrehlienad90

Message was edited by: norrehlienad90