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Bravia KDL-22EX320 Problems playing files from my NAS

Bravia KDL-22EX320 Problems playing files from my NAS

Bought the TV a few weeks ago because of it's Wifi and it's the right size for my bedroom. Only problem now though it seems to be very fussy over what files it will play from my NAS drive.

Files which will play from the NAS via Xbox360 won't play on the TV or have no sound. Generally these are all Xvid or Divx Avi files and the TV will play some but not others so I don't really understand why. All with MP3 audio as well, which I believe are supported formats.

The files that play but with no sound are also Avi files but with AC3 audio. AC3 might not be supported, but then I have other avi files with AC3 audio that play fine.

What reasons could there be for avi files not playing? Could it be frame size or fps? As in some cases this is the only difference I can find.

I've analysed the files that will and won't play with MediaInfo and in some cases the only difference to the files I can find is the writting application is different. For example a file written with transcode-0.6.9 doesn't play but an identical file written with Nandub v1.0rc1 will play.

I can post any logs of these files if it would help.