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Update issues on KD-55X8005C


Update issues on KD-55X8005C

Hi, have just got the KD-55X8005CC and loveit. The only problem is I am unable to update to the latest firmware v 2623. I have tried over the network both wired and WiFi and consistently get network error on 9% downloaded. I have also tried installing from a usb stick and all looks like it is going well when it starts to install. It stops at ( you guessed it ) 9%. Restarts a few times but is still stuck on v 2287. I have tried fat 32 and NTFS both with the same results.I have tried factory resetting 3 times in a row as is stated in Sony FAQ but still no luck

I am also unable to use Amazon prime , 4OD, or 5 on demand as they all day I need an update to use. 


Not applicable



Hi there


I have sent you a private message with some instructions.  Let me know how you get on.

