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September = Update


September = Update

I remember SE has told there will be major upgrade coming in September. Now anounced Android v2.1 in Q4, what are your upgrade plans? and worst story is we (I live in Singapore) never get any update at all though some regions have received R1FA016 and R1FB001 firmware update while we are stuck with R1FA014.


Not sure, but I think Jeff might have meant that any announcements about an update before the big 2.1 thing will be posted on the blog.

September is in the third quarter of the year.  We are being spoiled.:smileyhappy:

Will we have to wait for Rogers to put their logos on the 2.1 update, or will it be available to us all at the same time?


Sorry Jaff, but I don't get what you are trying to say. Your Link is broken and someone posted the same Q4 update.

What's SE's plan? Some part receives minor update, some parts like me don't see an update and still we don't know what you are up to during September?


Seriously I don't find anything new out there! It's old news. Please say clearly what you are trying say. Thanks.

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I'm very sorry. I have buyed this phone hoping that SE would be the best.....IS NOT absolutely.

They say "in Q4 2010 we will put Android 2.1"......we will..... already exist 2.2 NOW and probably in september 2010 will exist 3.0.....and they say "we will......"

No. I'm very very sorry. I'm very disappointed. I have changed my Nokia with SE after years of I say I did the wrong choose.

I'll come back to Nokia or I will pass to HTC and I will say to everybody I KNOW to don't buy SE anymore.

Sorry but it's incredible.

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Ciao sono in italia e non sono disponibili aggiornamenti ne r1fa.... ne r1fb... come mai ?A settembre!!!! poco dopo uscirà Android 3 (due versioni superiori).Non farò più l'errore di fidarmi di SE perche ogni giorno da delle notizie contrastanti e poi combinazione uscirà il "nuovo" x8 con 2.1 (gli altri saranno gia al 2.2)così pensano di invogliare all'acquisto.