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Do any Sony Ericsson staff look at this forum???? I keep seeing people posting their problems and questions but don't see many answers.
Hello, I am new to this forum and was wondering if you could tell me, did you fix your battery life problems with your X10?
It has 1500 mAh as standard but I was able to find onsale elsewhere higher powdered batteries, and I also read on one site that was selling the X10 phones that it is possible to buy higher powered batteries for the phone which is what made me look for it. I was able to find 3600 mAh, now I don't understand why a AA rechargeable battery has more power than a battery designed for a phone, surely 8000 mAh minimum is to be expected. There is no use in raising false hopes with every new model of phone every few years to make us buy a new one, the claims of battery life are never honest with any manufacturer, but since I moved away from my Nokia brand of phones I noticed all other companies seem to have really bad battery life, or perhaps its due to the WiFi, I would accept this was it not for the fact of me testing my phone with all battery draining features disabled (WiFi, Bluetooth, screen brightness adjusted, etc).
The technology to have batteries that last for 3 months without any charge does exist, just not being used! Industry are very deceitful and care only for pure profit:
Search Internet engine for: "naturalnews energizer battery d cell exposed"
I currently do not own a Sony Xperia X10 but will happily buy one if someone on here shares some info on battery life. If it is 8 - 10 hours while WiFI and bluetooth is enabled then I will just buy a higher power battery even if it is a third party one. Hope you can share this with me, thanks.
Apparently the new update has bettered the battery life to a small degree. I haven't got the new update yet but mine now can last a day with normal use (without wifi 90% of the day and no bluetooth) with the screen brightness down, if you have wifi and bluetooth enabled continuously I don't think you'd get anywhere near a day.... I have seen people buying 3600mAh batteries with varying results.
A phone with so much potential yet some how just fails in many ways.
If battery life is what you're after then the X10 in its current state is not what you want. I'd be looking at the HTC Desire/Samsung Galaxy S and see peoples opinion on the battery life.
Oh and with either of those phones you'll have Android 2.1 already and get 2.2/2.3 a lot quicker then the X10 owners.
Thanks for the comments pinga. Very helpful.
I know the X10 has so much potential and I think there is time for Sony to fix the issues yet. Even the battery draining issue if possible. Seems the Android code has flaws and the Sony version OS of Android has made vast improvements to the OS already from what I have read.
I will look at the phones you suggested. I have read that the new iPhone has serious battery issues too but that may be coming from anti fanboys...not sure. I do need a smartphone for conventional uses, apps, internet use and some music. So for media but mostly business. Thanks again.
I didn't have battery problems (apart from it not lasting as long as I had hoped) My problem was timescape updating.
That's interesting to know, do you use your X10 predominantly for any other specific purpose then, other than networking with friends?
Just use it for calls txts and internet. Don't surf all day. Charge it overnight and its needs a boost in the evening. Would have hoped the battery would have been a bit more robust but it lasts most of the day.