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Do any Sony Ericsson staff look at this forum???? I keep seeing people posting their problems and questions but don't see many answers.
I would guess they only have Moderators to keep people in line in here (if needed)...
In the meantime I guess it's just up to us (the users) to help out each other...
its just that no one looks at yoru problem, that all, take it easy
I thought that a Sony Ericcson 'support forum' would actually offer some support from Sony Ericsson. Obviously I was wrong. Thanks all for replying anyway.:smileyconfused:
We do our best to respond to most questions within 24 hours of posting, but we are not a 24/7 operation and we are likely in a different timezone. If users are discussing a situation we typically stay out of the discussion (we think its great when people can help each other to discover solutions!)
Since you didn't post a new thread as a question, I don't always see it. Regardless, can you offer anymore details about your issue updating Timescape. Have you tried over wi-fi and 3G? Where are you located, who is your service provider? Did you recently update your software or install new applications on the phone? Did you ever see an error message?
Let me know and I will look into it further.
Hello Jeff,
Sorry if I sounded as if I was ranting but I was.
I have tried over wi-fi & 3g. I am in UK and my network provider is o2. I have not updated my software. I have installed new applications but would find it hard to remember which ones since the problem.I have not received any error messages. Timescape has not updated Twitter or Facebook since 21st June. It does however update my o2 notifications.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks for the info. Not really sure what could've happen though. Quickest solution would be to either remove the two accounts from the application and re-enter your login details, otherwise, a reset/update should correct it.
Sounds like a random software fault.
By the way, you said you emailed us. Did you get an auto-response with a ticket number? I'd like to see what went on there.
The first ticket was 87684659 created on 26th June which was answered later the same day with the following:
Dear Ron,
Thank you for contacting the Sony Ericsson support centre.
Have you tried to refresh the page by following the steps below;
1 Tap the filter item at the bottom of the screen.
2 Press menu (the 4 squares button) then tap refresh
If the steps above do not work, please contact us again. Apologies for an inconvience caused.
Kind Regards,
John Elliott
Sony Ericsson UK Customer Services
I replied to this email as the above didn't work (I had already tried this before contacting SE) but did not get a reply. So I created another ticket.
The second ticket was 87703688 created on 28th June but I've yet to recieve a reply (apart from the auto reply).
I have removed Facebook then put it back but still no update.
Can I do a reset without losing my contacts, apps etc?
Well it's the 5th of July and I've not heard from Jeff on this forum or a reply from my last email to Sony Ericsson. So without any help from SE I googled the problem and saw a suggestion that I switch off the phone, remove the battery, sim card and sd card, put them back and switch the phone on. Amazingly this has worked. It took a little while to update but now it has. So thank you to anonymous on google and no thanks to Sony Ericsson.
That’s hardly true.... The Firmware Update thread has been alive and full of questions for a month and you haven't replied once...There aren't that many new threads in this forum...That conversation has had the most posts and views (from what I could see) and yet nothing...
From what I've seen it’s a bit rich calling this a "Support" forum.