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The disaply for my C902 phone has stopped working or to be more specific, the display works sometimes but is blank for most of the time. I have the latest software and have removed battery, memory card and sim cards and none of this works. I have seen on the net that this has happened to other people too but i have not come across a solution. Any ideas on how to fix this myself or will i need to get Sony to fix it?
You could try opening the phone up and check that all the flex cables are connected properly.
ok, thanks KrazyD! I will give that a go.
Good. Just be careful when disassembling the phone as it can be quite tricky.
Wouldn't it result in a warranty loss if you open the phone yourself? o_O
I would send it to SE, just to be sure...
Yes it will result in loss of warranty so if you still have warranty send it a way.
The warranty is gone so no worries with that.
Also, the phone has since decided to start working again, so i will wait and see if this last before i mess with it.
Thanks everyone again!