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I'm not sure if anyone at Sony reads this, but I'm extremely impressed with the remote function! Ever since Philips stopped its Pronto remotes I've been looking for a replacement and this is it. The remote app is a great start but needs some improvements and then it would be perffect. Sony are welcome to these ideas:
1) Settings should be able to be locked once setup. Its too easy for kids to rearrange or delete devices!
2) Backup and restore functions.
3) For all buttons you should be able to choose between text, in-built buttons and user created graphics. Being limited to similar layouts for each remote is a bit limiting.
4) The home screen should be in a grid so you can see more devices.
5) Any speed improvements greatly appreciated, as sometimes you see a please wait message between devices.
6) Bluetooth support for PS3.
On the whole though Sony well done!
Could also do with One Touch Activities like the Logitech remotes where it sets up all your equipment. eg. "Watch a DVD" , "Watch TV"
I would really like the app to incorporate a tv guide, allowing you to switch to channels instantly .
yes, uppdate this app to alla above.
I agree with everthing said, and as a Pronto owner looking for the futre replacements, this was the driver that brought me to the Sony much potential on the infra red front. really hoping Sony can take this to the next level, and is such a differentiator from the rest of the tablet community?
+1 :smileygrin:
Thank you