
TV speakers are much louder than home cinema!!!

I have a SONY TV (55W800C) and also a home cinema SONY BDV-E6100 both of them support HDMI (ARC) ,so I have connected them with a HDMI cable that was in home cinema package.

 listening to music via USB or DVD in home theater system is great and the sound quality and the loud is very good  but my problem is:

1) when i listen to music or watch films from usb flash that is connected to TV , the TV speakers are much louder than home cinema!!!
2)my satelite receiver only has a HDMI output so (as manual says to have a high sound quality)I cant connect it with optical cable to my BDV (BDV has one HDMI output )
I connect it only with HDMI to my TV
when i watch tv from receiver loud of sound is very low (when I turn
BDV off  sound of TV speakers is much more louder !!!
what should I do?


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