
KDL-43w755c and the screws that time forgot

Hello, I bought a new KDL-43w755c in November and now want to wall mount it. I have a SU-WL450 and all ready to go when I notice the top wall mount screw holes on the back of the TV are too big for any of the screws from the SU-WL450.

In the manual there is mention of a Wall-Mount Attachment G which it says came with the TV. I have screws that look like the picture but they only fit in the bottom two wall mount holes, not the top two

Now I rang the helpdesk to see about the missing attachments but they had no reference on the bolts that were in the tv manual, instead focusing on the SU-WL450. They never called back.

Anyone know the dimensions on these two Wall-Mount Attachments G (page 13 in the manual)

Where can I get them.  Any help would be welcome.

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