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Bought my a6000 soon after release, but one of the things that annoys me hugely is how easily the eyepiece cup falls off. After about a month of using the camera and having a few "close calls", I finally lost this piece.
Since my camera was still under warranty I contacted Sony to ask about a replacement, who told me they don't help with "accidental damage", and gave me the URL of an "official supplier", who wanted £27 for one including their cheapest postage option. Ridiculous.
I contacted Sony customer support and their answer was essentially "tough, it's your fault and not our problem". After explaining that £27 for a small piece of plastic that shouldn't fall off so easily in the first place was ludicrously high, and e-mailing a few more times their answer is still the same. Really not happy with Sony's customer service. They told me if I didn't want to pay £27 to get it, I could send my camera in for repair (what on earth?) but that it would cost "much more".
Anyway, I ended up buying the piece from Japan via eBay, which was only £10. I say "only" but £10 is still a lot for a small piece of plastic. I talked to their Twitter team, who didn't seem to understand the issue, and told me to try here, at the Sony community pages. No idea why, but here I am!
Has anyone else had this issue and attempted to get Sony to sort it out with any success?