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Sony Bravia and Keyboards! sony tries to enter the 21 century

My parents recently asked me to help them buy a television (as they are a little over 70 years) they wanted something up to date and something they could do some light surfing of the internet and the smart tv's seemed the right way to go. We browsed around some local superstores and eventually we bought a Sony Bravia KDL-42W653A smart tv we looked at others but sony seemed to have the best picture and build quality.


On arriving home we opened the box, installed the tv, set up and joined the wifi internet wham bam this is great! then we came to surfing the internet ................................@_p.....................snnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaiiiiiilllllllllllsssssss pace OMG! I think it took me around 2 mins fiddling around on the remote number(not qwerty) pad just to type a simple url in the address search, my parents were like ok nice picture and easy set up but we need a keyboard ( as eyesight wasn't what it used to be).


So we searched the internet and forums for a keyboard omg w-t-f! Sony dont make a keyboard Sony muilti million dollar company dont make a simple keyboard! then I read some other threads... use a lap top or smart phone! ok use a laptop why bother with the tv they have just bought if they are going to sit watching TV with a laptop on their lap and I'm a fraid they don't own a smart phone.


So basically is there any hope for a keyboard or any other device that would help here?

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