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WH-1000XM3 noise cancelling problems

WH-1000XM3 noise cancelling problems

Hello, I've been having a lot of problems lately with the left side of my headphones when the noise cancelling is turned on, at first almost a month ago, it used to make a loud high pitch sound when I wear the headphones when only when the noise cancelling is turned on, then I kept searching for a fix and thankfully I fixed it I think, but now the left side is much lower than the right side again only with the noise cancelling is turned on, when I turn the noise cancelling off it goes back to normal, I don't think it is cable problem since it happens regardless if I'm connected on Bluetooth or with a cable, I tried so far resetting to factory settings and tried also changing cables and checked if there are any new updates and checked the ear cups if they are dirty from the inside and so on, but everything was ok.
I think it's more of a hardware problem than a software one even though the problem only occurs while noise cancelling is on. Can anyone please suggest new possible solutions? and thank you for your time.

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It seems that you've basically tried everything, but it I'd say it worth it to check these links out: &

But if you're positive that it's a hardware fault, then I guess it's repair at that point.




I have exactly the same thing happening on my WH-H910N. It has teh same chip so SONY must know about it, but they just don't bother for a firmware update I guess..

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