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SRS-X5 won't auto power off when Bluetooth device connected


SRS-X5 won't auto power off when Bluetooth device connected

The auto power off function on my recently purchased SRS-X5 does not appear to function correctly under all circumstances. If I am using the Audio In then it does work as described by powering off if no music or sound is output from the connected audio device for about 15 minutes. However when connected via Bluetooth auto power off does not occur (I've left it for well over an hour with no music being played from the Bluetooth connected device). If I disable the Bluetooth on the audio device the SRS-X5 does then subsequently auto power off after about 15 minutes.

 Can anyone suggest what might be amiss here (note I have also tried 3 different bluetooth devices - iPod, SmartPhone, laptop - with same results)


Thanks in advance for your help,




Is this on mains power or internal battery?  Is this using the specific bluetooth standby function?


Happens (or more correctly does not happen!) on both mains and battery. And I am not using the Bluetooth standby functionality - just the default out of the box settings which, as I understand it, is meant to auto power off if no sound is received from the connected device. Thanks again.

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Hi there


When you are trying to power it off - what coloured LED lights are displayed.  Any from the following page:


Also, try doing a reset, as per instructions (it may help, cant hurt anyway):


I note that you said that if you turn bluetooth off on the speakers, it will auto power off.  What happens if you turn OFF bluetooth on the connecting device instead (leave bluetooth ON on the speakers).  Im wondering if there is still some audio being sent (even if in-audible?)  - Just a theory.


Is there any other information that may assist if none of the above works? 




Thanks for the response.

The colored LEDS are as you would expect for 'normal' Bluetooth operation -
the on/off is lit green and the pairing is lit white.

If I switch Bluetooth off on *either* the device or the speaker then auto
power off occurs after 15 mins. So I agree with you that from what I am
experiencing it is as if the speaker is hearing sound over a Bluetooth
connection even though the device is not outputting any sound. I'm now
wondering if it might be the particular version of Bluetooth that is in the
device(s) I am trying.think I'll go find an up to date iPod to try it with
and report back.



Hello this portable speaker that makes you jump defect may be di software themselves and be replaced with a new one if you have parked.


Tried with a new iPod and same problem occurs so I'm still at a loss as to why it won't auto-power off. It would appear that if a bluetooth device is connected it won't auto-power off - even tried it without actually playing any music at all through the device.


So certainly lloks like the SRS-X5 thinks it is receiving sound from the Bluetooth device even though no sound is being played. :slight_frown: 

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Hi klaahs


Ive just re-read your posts on this - unfortunately I am also at a loss on what next to suggest trying.  Unless another forum member can help, my advice is for you to contact Sony Support : HERE and either get thier assistance or report a problem.



Hello same problem if you create is defective, and Tebu changed if you still
have warranty.

Hi all - thanks for your responses. I think I have managed to figure out what the problem is myself. I noted something in Sony's support material about the device not powering off if the Bluetooth connection is via HFP/HSP. Investigating further it seems this is referring to the Hands Free Bluetooth profile - and it would appear that all the devices I have tested use this profile!


I tested this out by tweaking the Bluetooth services on my laptop and, after disabling the Hands Free service, the SRS-X5 now auto powers off when connected to my latop.


Almost all iPods support the HFP bluetooth profile so I guess what I need to find now is a way to disable the HFP service on my iPod and I'll be happy! 


Thanks again,
