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I recently bought an 128GB SD card to boost the storage on my NW-ZX2. However, I'm now having the problem that when using MediaGo, when I plug in my device it immediately picks up the SD Card storage. However, it does not let me go back and search through my system device storage as well.
When prompted I go to the 'System storage selected' screen and tick 'system storage' and 'USB auto connection', and then on the 'Turn on USB storage' screen I click the button to turn on the USB connection, which should then in theory connect my device to my laptop using MediaGo and let me browse through my music. However, all that happens is that I get the green android logo and the circle spins like it is doing something, but it never reconnects to the laptop.
I am seemingly now only able to browse my music stored on my SD card now and can not view my system stored music.
Can someone please help, it's really frustating. As I want to delete some music from my system storage and move it onto the SD card.
Hi there
Are you able to browse it via windows explorer instead of mediago?
I've never tried using Windows Explorer, I always mange my NW-ZX2 through MediaGo.
can anyone from Sony help?
i'm doing all the correct steps:
I'm clearly doing something wrong as there is surely no way that the system would have such a major flaw, so could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Hi, I also have a NW-ZX2 but with a 200Gb sd card. I follow the details you describe and media go can see the system storgae after selecting it on the walkman. I did eject and unplug the walkman before changing its settings. When changing back to the sd c ard the walkman takes a while to do this.
I was having this same problem, for me a soft reset fixed it (hold down the power button for 8 seconds to turn off).
..a soft reset does not always fix this, and not being able to select system storage continues to be a persistent problem.