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Sony GTK-X1BT Frustration

Sony GTK-X1BT Frustration


Recently bought Sony GTK-X1BT from UK and sent it to another country - Azerbaijan. Opened it for the first time, used for 1-2 hours. Than I heard buzz sound coming from speaker for 2-3 seconds and it turned off. I took a look at speaker's screen. There was, "E03 Protection Mode" error. I tried everything: reset it 4-5 times, plugged off waited 10-11 hours and plugged it back on. Same message. I'm getting demo visualizations, when I press power button, getting again this message.


I called Sony UK, told them that, I have no way to send it back: it's nearly 17 KG. At least, please give me service manual to find someone here and fix it. They told that it's not possible. Even though, I asked multiple times to understand my situation, as there is no authorised service center in this country, they told me that it's impossible to send service manual. And they didn't gave me any option to fix this situation.


I called Sony Russia. The same situation happened.


Overall, I'm totally unsatisfied customer. Sony didn't take care of defective product and didn't send me even service manual.


This is insane and I'm frustated on this service level a lot. I'm not gonna buy anything again from Sony!