Share your experience!
Hi all, first post!
I bought a second hand NWZ-ZX1 walkman and the battery is far from long lasting. Annoying as I bought it so I dont flatten my Z5 battery, but that last WAY longer! So I'm assuming it needs a new one.
Can I do this myself? I guess Sony can do it, anyone know how much it costs?
Hi @RoddersUK2 and welcome to the Community.
Hopefully the email will notify you of a reply
Sadly you can't change the battery yourself with this model and you would have to send
it to Sony.
I don't know what they would charge for this service, but from what I have seen online I don't think it is cheap.
In the meantine to save some "juice", uninstall apps you don't need to use
Hi guys,
Thanks for the replys, I wouldnt have minded sending it back to Sony for a replacement battery, but all they did was direct me to the spares website, rather than offer a repair?
Either way, I sent it back to the person I bought it off for a refund. Shame as I always wanted one of these, but ho hum.....
ZX1 is being discontinued so you can find nice deals around the web for brand new units 😃 Would be a loss not seizing that opportunity