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I bought the above for my daughter for Christmas and it was working brilliantly until I had to change my processor and power supply for my pc.

Today I hooked the gizmo up to my pc (the battery was totally dead and it had taken me a while to find the cable as I had put it away with my other spares for "safe" keeping), the PC couldn't install the necessary drivers. I tried different USB slots with the same effect.

The PC recognises that I've hooked something up but wont go any further. Can you guys help me please as I'm totally stumped and don't want to have to return the gadget to the shop.



Message was edited by: -Cass-

Edited for personal details


Accepted Solutions

Hello mate! This is my firs post/answer in this forum, I have a question my self, but I see you need help, so it can wait a bit!

Right, can you go on to device manager for me, please? To access the device manager:

1) Windows XP: Click Start, click Run, and then type "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotation marks)

2) Windows 7: Click start and just type in search "device manager" (without the quotation marks)

3) Windows 8: press Windows button and letter X together and from that menu select device manager.

When you are in device manager have a look if you can find your walkman... Tell me if your walkman appears under the "portable devices" section, if yes, then is it with ! mark or ? mark, or none? If your walkman does not appear under that section, is there any device under any subsections which is not recognized (shown with ? mark), or not functioning properly (shown with ! mark), if so, can you write for me the name of that device?

Please provide me with information of what operationg system you are runing? Thank you!

View solution in original post


I'm quite disappointed to find that no-one has answered my original query. I'll now have to rethink my options I guess.

Hello mate! This is my firs post/answer in this forum, I have a question my self, but I see you need help, so it can wait a bit!

Right, can you go on to device manager for me, please? To access the device manager:

1) Windows XP: Click Start, click Run, and then type "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotation marks)

2) Windows 7: Click start and just type in search "device manager" (without the quotation marks)

3) Windows 8: press Windows button and letter X together and from that menu select device manager.

When you are in device manager have a look if you can find your walkman... Tell me if your walkman appears under the "portable devices" section, if yes, then is it with ! mark or ? mark, or none? If your walkman does not appear under that section, is there any device under any subsections which is not recognized (shown with ? mark), or not functioning properly (shown with ! mark), if so, can you write for me the name of that device?

Please provide me with information of what operationg system you are runing? Thank you!

I haven't got a clue how you did it, but as soon as I typed in device manager, plugged in the device to the PC, lo and behold it came up.

It is now working properly, the drivers have installed without a hitch and I'm totally amazed.

Once I've picked my chin up off the floor, remind me to buy you a drink :slight_smile:

Oh and by the way I'm using Win7 Home on this machine, the other was XP.

Wow I'm in shock

Message was edited by: naomis8329

I'm glad things just worked out by them selves for you! :slight_smile: Maybe there just are days when technology does and does not loves us... :laughing:

Message was edited by: elitars_biedrs

Thanks again : D