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Why cant I install IE 11 on VAIO VPCEB4J0E

Why cant I install IE 11 on VAIO VPCEB4J0E

I have tried to get support numerous times via Sony Product support contact us web page but get no response. Please can somebody help


I cannot install IE 11 on my VAIO VPCEB4J0E


I have a VPCEB4J0E and have repeatedly tried to install Internet explorer 11 but it always fails due to some incompatibility. The laptop is running Win 7 Version 6 with SP 1 and all updates. Is there a compatibility issue with the graphics driver or another issue. I have explored the MS web sites but not found a solution

Windows device manager shows an Intel display adapter with driver version

I have tried installation with my Norton Internet Security both on and off.

It is necessary to have IE 11 as some web sites will not work with IE 10

The IE 11 failure code is 9C59 - unknown error


Hi phmcleo :slight_smile:


Don't worry, you're not the only one that's had trouble installing ie11 in Windows 7.

There are a couple of reasons why it may have failed such as you may not have the prerequisite updates needed for it to 'upgrade', or that other updates are running at that time.


Have a look at this Microsoft Help Page first.


There is also a section there that states:


"Uninstall Internet Explorer 9 before you install Internet Explorer 11

During the installation process of Internet Explorer 11, you may receive the 9C59 error.

To resolve this issue, you may uninstall Internet Explorer 9, restart your computer, and then install Internet Explorer 11.
To uninstall Internet Explorer 9
  1. Click the Start button, type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane.
  2. Under Uninstall an update, scroll down to the Microsoft Windows section.
  3. Right-click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes.
  4. Click Restart now to finish the process of uninstalling Internet Explorer 9.
After your computer restarts, try to install Internet Explorer 11."
However I would try checking your updates etc. first.
Just out of interest Is there any reason you don't use Chrome or Firefox?