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Vaio VGC-V3S Ram Upgrade Issue


Vaio VGC-V3S Ram Upgrade Issue


This is my second thread on the vaio forum and I am having trouble with upgrading of RAM on my machine! I've checked every possible memory upgrade website and all say that my machine can only be installed with a maximum of 1GB (512MB + 512MB) of RAM apart from who claim that 2GB (1GB + 1GB) can be intsalled. I am runnning Vista Home Premium with 1GB of RAM installed and as we all know that the OS is quite resource hungry so if the above stated be true, I can upgrade my machine!

This is what the website say: 'Each memory slot can hold DDR PC3200 with a maximum of 1GB per slot'.

I would greatly appreciate if someone could help!



Hi Smartsparky,

I would normally say stick with Sony's specifications but most of us here use Crucial and respect what they say. They also guarantee that the 2 X 1GB memory is compatible.

I cannot tell you what to do but if it was me in your situation, I would accept Crucial's recommendation and put 2GB into your V3S. If for some reason it does not work you can send it back using Crucial's guarantee.



Hi Smartsparky,

I would normally say stick with Sony's specifications but most of us here use Crucial and respect what they say. They also guarantee that the 2 X 1GB memory is compatible.

I cannot tell you what to do but if it was me in your situation, I would accept Crucial's recommendation and put 2GB into your V3S. If for some reason it does not work you can send it back using Crucial's guarantee.


Blencogo, thanks for answering and sorry for replying a bit late! I took your advice and ordered the memory upgrade form Cruical and my computer recognized it too so cheers for that.. However, I don't see much difference in performance. I am using Vista home premium 32 bit and too be honest the application load-up time is only slightly better.. Internet browsing has improved though but I doubt thats got anything to do with the ram upgrade? And everything is recognized, my sidebar gadget says 2GB ram and so does my computer.. Any ideas??

Thanks again for your help!