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Vaio update


Vaio update

Hi there I was told to download the firmware update for my VGF-AP1L, but I dont know what to do with the zipped file once its been downloaded!? am i meant to connect my mp3 player, then extract the files in the sony vaio mp3 folder? also the update on the website was dated on 23/12/04 so is that the latest/most recent one to download? whats it actually do that i will notice? sorry for sounding dumb just dont know the details!:smileyhappy:


Connect your VP to your computer and then Unzip the file that you download and then copy the two folders named VAIO_Skin and Suds to your VP. You do not need to put the files into another folder just double click on your VP in my computer and then paste the files. To update your VAIO make sure that it is connected to the power supply and on the main menu select settings and then firmware update and wait for it to update and then restart itself. That is the only update that has been releasedfor the VP and probably the only one that will be released.