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Vaio - (SVF15NA1GM) - Single Key on Keyboard not working properly!

Vaio - (SVF15NA1GM) - Single Key on Keyboard not working properly!

Hello to all


I've got a really irritating new problem on my Vaio Multi-flip laptop. 


In the past few days, a single key on the keyboard has started to mess around. At the beginning, it was just very occasional, and a gentle tap would sort it out. A few weeks later (today), I'm about to throw the laptop out through the window as it's infuriating. At the time, I kind of assumed that fluff and crap has got underneath the letter and this was somehow interfering with it's function. When I first removed the keyboard key, there was some crud underneath and this was all cleared out - it's spotless under there now. 


The single letter "D" is playing up. Now, when I turn the laptop on, it seems to require a considerable time to "warm up" and start working properly - by this I mean, that it won't work at all for the first 20-30 minutes of trying to use the laptop as normal. I've not yet worked out what seems to make it work eventually - it's usually a combination of flipping off the keyboard key itself, and wiggling the rubber "compression spring" (for want of a correct name for it) for anywhere between 10 - 60 seconds, to get the letter to start appearing on the screen again - even then, once the key is back on, it takes ages for it to start working properly and responding to a tap. (As I type this now, it's working just fine).  


Once it's "warmed up" properly, simply tapping on the keyboard letter "D" as normal, it works just fine like all of the other keys. Once it's "warmed up", it's mostly ok with the exception of an occasional dropped letter where it doesn't appear on the screen. However, tapping it a couple of times makes it work. 


Every other key on the keyboard works just fine without any issues at all. Therefore, I must assume that this is an isolated hardware fault? Some sort of irritating soldering/contact problem immediately beneath the "D" on the keyboard unit itself? 


Plugging in an external keyboard works perfectly. Using the touchscreen keyboard works perfectly. 


I guess what I'm trying to work out, is if there is some sort of fix to not require me to buy and install a brand new (backlit) laptop keyboard to resolve it? After all, once its warmed up, it does work - but I can just feel that this problem is going to take longer and longer to get past each time I commence using the laptop each session in the future - and eventually, this letter is most likely going to stop working altogether. 


Many thanks for any responses. 


Sadly, it sounds like a hardware fault. It sounds like the bottom of the key is not long enough to activate the electrical connection inside the electrical pad until things expand when it heats up.


You could try putting some packing between the key and the pad but I doubt this will help.


The fact that the Vaio does not work until the key works indicates that it is recognising a faulty keypad. Does it work immediately if you have the external keyboard attached at start-up?


Sadly, it sounds like a new keyboard is required.



Thanks for the reply Blencogo


I've actually got to the stage where I permanently have the letter "D" key now permanently removed from the keyboard (which looks terrible), and I'm tapping on the rubber compression sping directly with my finger, as it's the only way to get a response from it. 


I bit the bullet and ordered a new keyboard the other day, which is en route now. The laptop still works, but typing is a real pain in the ass until the D key has warmed up properly and actually works when you tap it first time, instead of having to tap and then squeeze it 20-30 times after the initial boot-up to actually get a response from it! 


Unbelievably annoying... 


Pretty poor for an 18 month old keyboard too. 


I don't suppose anyone's got a spec diagram to show which screws hold the keyboard down? Have just looked at the underside, and there's just four small black screws holding the base cover on (suspect that there are more under the pads) - it would be handy to identify which ones hold it down (usually two) - although clearly when the new keyboard arrives, this will help point me in the direction anyway...

Does this help?


Or this one gives greater detail but may not be exactly the same model - seems to be a Russian version:-


Looks more difficult than most! Good Luck!





All compatybility list are below. SVF152A29M 15 SVF15 SVF15A SVF15E SVF15A16CXB SVF15N17CXB FIT15 FIT 15 SVF15 SVF 15 SVF15A SVF 15A SVF15E SVF 15E SVF15216SC SVF15217SC SVF15218SC SVF1521A1EB SVF1521A1EB.G4 SVF1521A1EW SVF1521A2E SVF1521A4EW SVF1521A4EW.AE1 SVF1521A6EB SVF1521A6EB.G4 SVF1521A6EW

Thanks again - that was actually a different laptop, but it caused me to actually think about it, and think about it. My Sony Flip laptop tear down video is here: 


This one looks identical to mine..  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though :slight_smile: 

For more info: The Sony VAIO | Flip PC is now available for pre-order! To celebrate, we open it up and show you the insides. Hit the play button for major eye candy.