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VAIO PCG-K115B Screen flickers

VAIO PCG-K115B Screen flickers

Hello all

I have a VAIO PCG-K115B and the screen often flickers, this has only been happening over the past month.

I can sometimes get the screen to flicker upon demand by opening and closing the laptop.

Also on two occasions now, the flicker has turned into a permanent dark screen situation and the only way of resolving was to soft boot the laptop.

Can anyone help me please?



Just received an email from Sony

LCD, Palmrest, Inverter unit, Keyboard, Battery Pack and battery door all have incurred a liquid spillage ! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This laptop was purchased as used off ebay from a professor in his late 50's, he had only had the machine for a couple of months but was selling everything as he was moving back to Canada.

The machine was working fine on the day i purchased it and has worked fine for the first 3 months of my ownership and I know that nothing has spilt into it during this time.

QUESTION: Can liquid be poured into a laptop in Feb, the machine work fine until August and only then start playing up?

Or must it be that liquid has ended up in the laptop in Aug whilst in my possession?

HAS ANYONE GOT ANY SUGGESTIONS as to what i do next please..................................................Sony want £561.49p:smileycry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh dear thats bad man!
Hard to say really, normally it wouldn't survive 3 months if it happened in February

I say you're best saving that £500+ for a new laptop

Always be cautious before buying second hand used laptops, they're not always what they claim they are

Oh dear now I am all upset.

To recap, my screen occasionally flickered and I could sometimes make it happen by moving the lid up and down.

The laptop went dark on me a few times too.................but it never turned off, just lights went dark as if in a save battery mode.

I speak with Sony and they suggest send it off to Germany, one side of me says don't bother as it just ain't a big problem, i will just put up with it. But as it is under warranty well its best I get it checked out.

Machine was in fine working order for around first 4 months, no glitches, just starts flickering a bit after 4 months.

Sony say small lake found inside laptop, £550 please, this I cannot afford so i ask them to please return the laptop to me. Remember it works OK, just the occasional flicker.

Laptop comes back today, I take it out of the box and guess what..............................IT WILL NOT SWITCH ON.......................ITS DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL.

Looks like I am well and truly screwed, the Sony digi box, Sony cam corder, Sony digi camera, Sony TV, Sony other laptop, Sony this laptop will count for nothing.

Some wonderful advise wouldn't go a miss right now ! ! !:smileycry:

Sony now want £1100 to fix my 6 month old Laptop.

No liquids were spilt into the machine during the past six months whilst in my ownership, this I know. But I cannot account for the treatment of the machine when owned by the professor whom kept it in his study for three months prior.

Chalk it up to experience I guess, never buy used off ebay.

And now I will buy a new Sony vaio from John Lewis, love Sony products but feeling hard done by.

I agree, there's too many dishonest people out there, save and buy new