

Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum. I have a Sony Vaio model VPCEE2M1E, PCG61611M model and the screen is dim. First I thought it would be the Inverter, so tried 2 Inverters and still same problem, tried a used and new screen but still same problem. I have pressed fn+f6 for brightness and that fine. It works on external monitor and now I can only think of the LCD CABLE

Please help me as this is very frustreating having to carry my laptop to work and also home along with an external monitor.

I have tried to search for a cable on ebay however no joy please can you help me as to where I can I buy a cable from or if its any other issue that may have caused this.

Thanks in advance

Regards Adam


Thanks Cass

Yes the screen has been changed but nothing on the motherboard? The laptop has been around a year, we actually bought 3 of thesem for work and mine seems to only have the problem.

How can the dip switches be altered? any steps would be appreciated.



Thanks Cass

I have tried the new LCD cable and it does the same thing, when its not connected to the external monitor, if I shine a bright light I can see the screen all working, however without the light its dim.

I will try the switches but its just hard to find them is there any digram or, how I can access the keyboard as I can get the case off, but not the keyboard. I dont know what Im going to  be looking for at this stage.

I have spoke to two laptop repairers and they advised, change the Inverter. I have done by purchasing two used and working ones. Change the Screen, tried a used and new one. Change the Cable which I have done.

The mother board is the next thing they suggest but its so expensive I guess and not worth doing.

Tried speaking to sont they basically didnt want to know.

I will try what Cass has suggested and hope this works. Anyone else with any suggestions please help.



Hi there,

On the new Sony Vaio VPCE series laptops, there are little dip switches on the motherboard, just under the keyboard. Sometimes if you have changed a screen in the laptop, these require altering a little. Make sure that you mark down the original settings before changing any of these.

It is also a common fault with the GPU on the VPCE series, causing a dim screen. It could be a problem that requires a new motherboard unfortunatly.

How long have you had the laptop? Because this kind of issue will be covered under the warranty.

I hope this helps.

Message was edited by: -Cass-

Message was edited by: Thalamus.

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OK no problems.

If a screen is changed on the newer Sony Vaio's, you need to get the exact screen that has been taken out using the part number on the back of the screen. If you don't, you get this problem.

The dip switches are located under the keyboard so this will need removing to gain access to them. I think on the VPCEE theres about 4, so write down what position they are in to start with. Make sure the battery is removed when doing this by the way!

All you can do is try different combinations with the switches and hope that they work. Everytime you change them, plug the adapter in, power up, and if it doesn't work just remove the adapter and try a different combination.

Certain switches do different things and you will reaslise this when doing this that some need to be in a certain positions for the light to turn on, so its kind of logical.

I hope this helps and good luck with it!

If all this fails message me I'll do what I can to advise.

Message was edited by: Thalamus.

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Hi I have similar problem with my Vaio. But I know in my is faulty LCD cable and I can't get it. I was trying ebay and other sites but no luck. Meybe somone know replacement of LFC cable that might fit in to PCG-61611M, or where I can buy this cable.

Thanks in advance

