sony vaio keeps freezing up every few minutes

sony vaio keeps freezing up every few minutes

I have tried system restore but it still freezes up. Only have restore point to 4 weeks ago.

I tried to create recovery DVDs as could not find old ones, but after the first disk is created and at the prompt when I insert the second DVD the message comes that it is unable to create the recovery DVD.

Would REALLY appreciate any help or suggestions


Hi Kingair and welcome.

Can you please give us some basic information?

Which Vaio Model?

Which version of Windows is installed?  Is this the original operating system?

What are you doing when it freezes?  Browsing?/Downloading/Playing Games?

Does it unfreeze itself if you leave it or do you have to re-boot?

If this is a Windows 8 model, have you installed Norton or some other anti-virus program?

Is your Vaio up to date with Windows Update and Vaio Update?

Does the Vaio get hot?

Are there any error entries in Event Viewer?


Hi Blencogo....and thanks for your response..and would really appreciate some help..

In answer to your questions:

model: VPCZ11XPE--Original Windows 7 Professional

Freezes during everything, Browsing, Word, Excel, etc. and  freezes from  10 seconds to 15 minutes after being turned ON--Never unfreezes, needs reboot--Uptodate on most software/drivers--It gets hot but as 'normal hot',

In system Information/Windows error reporting....Windows error, fault bucket, type...Event name LiveKernel Event....Response:Not  Available

In Control Panel action centre: Event type:error//last hour 70// last 24 hours 467...and then list such as

33 Side by side

86 Kernel-Power

315 Print service

1001 Dhcp-client

1002 Application hang

1002 Dhcp-client

6008 Event log

......................and so on


Event type:Critical//Event ID: 41// Source: Kernel-Power//Log: System//Last hour: 2// 24 hours:13//7 days :

Hi Kingair,

The Windows Kernel event ID 41 Error means that the system has rebooted without shutting down properly first.

Have a look at

Method 3 describes the scenario where shut-downs are unexpected and at random and there is no "STOP" error and no BugCheck Codes or Parameters produced by the system.

Use a memory chercker to verify the memory modules are OK.

Check the components are not overheating using a utility like PC Wizard.

The most likely cause is a power interruption from either a faulty powerboard or a faulty motherboard.

Hopefully someone else will have other suggestions.


thanks Blencogo...I will try out your suggestiions..