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Somebody Please Tell me how Durable is the VAIO Notebook Chassis !

Somebody Please Tell me how Durable is the VAIO Notebook Chassis !

Dear All,

I have a question regarding the Chassis of the Vaio Notebook that I have. I would really really appreciate if someone of you can give me some information on the question that I have. Coz I am really passionate about my Vaio Notebook and this query that I have is like killing me from inside...So all of you please help.

I have attached a file to my question, If you guys can view it just refer to the attachment as my question as it also has a image which I would like to show it to you guys which makes explaining my question simple. Please open the attachment with this post.
Cheers !



Hi Augustya and welcome to Club Vaio.

I can honestly say we have not had any reported problems of the black colour coming off the palmrest of the FZ-Series Vaios.

I do not think you need to worry at all about your Vaio.

Anyone else here with a FZ who can help reassure Augustya?



I have a Vaio which is an AR series, the palm rest is also charcoal black by the looks of it. After about 2 months of owning it i noticed the keys on the keyboard started to become very shiny and losing their finish, then i started to notice some shiny areas appearing on my palm rest where that was losing its finish as well, the palm rest on an AR series Vaio is like a charcoal black with a matt looking finish, mine became very shiny, very quickly.

Its as if the finishing laquer they use is very poor.

Hi Augustya and welcome to Club Vaio.

I can honestly say we have not had any reported problems of the black colour coming off the palmrest of the FZ-Series Vaios.

I do not think you need to worry at all about your Vaio.

Anyone else here with a FZ who can help reassure Augustya?


Hey Blencogo,

Thanks for your reply, so from what you are saying is do we presume that the Chassis in my Laptop which is made up of Die-Cast Magnesium is not so delicate that it will lose its colour by just mere spraying of a LCD screen cleaning Fluid, which is a kind of a soap water from the looks of it and feel of it... is that what you are saying ? So what colud be the Light blue colour that came off when I wiped that area with a wet cotton cloth after I sprayed the fluid, it was not very thick just a faint tinge of colour that came off what it could have been of, I know its difficult imagining and we r just guessing...But still..The Chassis is Charcoal Black and I am saying the colour came off was kind of sea blue so... :cry:

In Normal scenario can a mere LCD screen cleaning Fluid cause a chassis to lose it colour or become a little faint, thats what I would like to know, that is the question that I am asking to everyone out it so delicately made woah I never knew that !! You used a very correct "word" Blencogo 'How do I reassure myself" :slight_frown:

I can only guess too!

All I can think is that the dye used in the Anodizing process is actually a very dark blue. This gives a black appearance to your Vaio but in very dilute solution it will look blue.

Like all anodized surfaces, the colour will wear off over a long period of time. However, we have had no reports of this happening on your model.

Just to make sure, I would only use a cloth dampened with water to clean your Vaio. Some screen cleaners may contain solvents which are OK on plastics but not so good for metals. Very few computers have metal casings.

Just a damp cloth will be safest!!


I can only guess too!

All I can think is that the dye used in the Anodizing process is actually a very dark blue. This gives a black appearance to your Vaio but in very dilute solution it will look blue.

Like all anodized surfaces, the colour will wear off over a long period of time. However, we have had no reports of this happening on your model.

Just to make sure, I would only use a cloth dampened with water to clean your Vaio. Some screen cleaners may contain solvents which are OK on plastics but not so good for metals. Very few computers have metal casings.

Just a damp cloth will be safest!!



I know henceforth will keep your suggestion in mind, so then can we assume that the colour that I saw on the damp cloth that I Used, could have been of one of the the stickers(Windows Vista, Intel Centrino, Vaio)and not the casing ?

And one more question to you, is the casing on the FZ series a Plastic or what, they call it Die-Cast Magnesium is it just another form of Plastic ? This is certainly not metal right ?

No - I think it is all metal.

Magnesium is a strong and very light metal used to make expensive SLR cameras. It is very strong for its weight - it used to be used a lot to make alloy wheels on Formula 1 racing cars until someone found out to their cost that at extremely high temperatures the metal actually burns in air.


No - I think it is all metal.

Magnesium is a strong and very light metal used to make expensive SLR cameras. It is very strong for its weight - it used to be used a lot to make alloy wheels on Formula 1 racing cars until someone found out to their cost that at extremely high temperatures the metal actually burns in air.


But Blencogo what about my original question I still do not have a specific answer from you on my original concern :smileygrin: so can we assume that the colour that I saw on the damp cloth that I Used, could have been of one of the the stickers(Windows Vista, Intel Centrino, Vaio) and not the casing ?

I haven't a clue where the blue tinge has come from. I have discussed the possibilities with you but I can help no further without seeing the Vaio.

If you are worried have a word with the shop where you bought it.

If it is not damaged then I would forget about it and just use a damp cloth in future.


I haven't a clue where the blue tinge has come from. I have discussed the possibilities with you but I can help no further without seeing the Vaio.

If you are worried have a word with the shop where you bought it.

If it is not damaged then I would forget about it and just use a damp cloth in future.


OK ! Sounds great Thanks for all your help... :slight_smile: