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SigmaTel soundcard drivers for XL302 and Vista SP1

SigmaTel soundcard drivers for XL302 and Vista SP1

As some of you may have noticed if you try to install Vista SP1, that was released yesterday, it is not possible. This is due to the fact that it requires the SigmaTel sound card drivers to be upgraded - SigmaTel® High Definition Audio CODEC. Primarily the Stwrt.sys to a version later than 6.10.5511.0. See for details

The best I can come up with is 6.10.5379.0. My Vaio XL302 currently being 6.10.5290.0. There is nothing on Windows update either.

The company that now owns SigmaTel - IDT, suggest going to Sony, see But the Vaio support page (US incidentally) is where I found 6.10.5379.0. The UK page list no updates for sound drivers at all!

Can anyone help with this matter? I'm sure it is affecting a lot of Vaio users.


IT Troll - I took your advice and used the stand alone Vista SP1 installer.

The SP1 installation went fine although I could get no sound through my receiver once the install was complete!

Strangely, I could get sound using the test option in the control panel, but not through any application such as Vista Media Centre, iTunes, VLC, etc.

I reinstalled the original drivers that shipped with my XL302, 6.10.5290, and everything was fine again.

Even more strange, I then tried to run STAUD-0148700-US.exe for the 6.10.5379.0 drivers, and it said "This update can only run on Microsoft Vista"! I assume this is as I'm now on SP1.

Oh well, this will have to do until Sony release the SP1 updated driver. With this affecting so many Vaio users, hopefully won't be too long.

It does not make me feel any better that other manufacturers are also having problems. It confirms the fact that no-one cares about their customers any more.



I used the Vista SP1 standalone installer last week and aside from the audio switching to the RCA jacks as default instead of the SPDIF/HDMI I didn't have any problems and that was sorted in a few mouse clicks.

I don't have the 7600GTL card anymore, I use the 8500GT and the biggest bonus was the file copy bug fix has made transferring files much, much faster over the LAN with gigabit jumbo frames enabled.

After installing SP1, then reinstalling my soundcard, I also had to reconfigure it as well. This only took a minute and wasn't a big deal.

I'd still be interested in the updated drivers! As mine are now over a year old. Any news?

Any update on the new drivers?

Not at the moment, we are still waiting for further feedback.. :slight_frown:


Same problem with a VGNFE-48M...
Vista Service Pack never appeared in Windows Update until I uninstalled the audio CODEC.
Then I was finally able to install it (using Windows Update).
Obviously no sound at the end of the process.
So I re-installed the old audio driver an, magically, everything was fine again.
Anyway a new audio driver would be appreciated...

I thought the new drivers had finally arrived when I was prompted by Windows Update that IDT audio drivers were ready to be installed the other week. IDT having taken over SigmaTel I thought this is what I had been waiting for!

So I downloaded and installed and......... nothing. Device manger reporting they didn't even load correctly, giving me no sound at all.

I know of two other Vaio users, both laptops, that installed this drivers and it completely messed with there machines.

Anyone else had this problem?

After messing round with the drivers for some time, I simply rolled back, and all was fine, but this is not the point. Who is responsible for releasing drivers that simply do not work?!

This driver issue is getting worse!

Two months and counting since SP1 seems a ridiculous amount of time to wait for new drivers seeing as a beta has been in the open for almost a year!


I'm also waiting for the new SigmaTel driver.
Currently I'm having the 6.10.5379.0 driver and am not getting Vista SP1 through Windows Update.
I'm concerned about messing up the system if I install SP1 with the standalone installer.
It's really frustrating that Sony hasn't addressed this issue for so long. Is there any hope for light at the end of the tunnel?

I have successfully installed SP1 on my AR31S..

First I downloaded and installed Microsoft Hotfix Package KB937287 from Vaio-Link, use the following link to download: KB937287 Update Program 1.0

Then I downloaded and installed the Vista SP1 update, which I downloaded from HERE

I did not receive any error messages prior too, during or after the installation of the SP1 update.. :slight_smile:


What SigmaTel driver do you have?