Rx407 to install won 2000 pro


Rx407 to install won 2000 pro


I would like to ask two things.

1. Driver when I installed win200 pro

In order to do my works I have to install win 2000 pro OS but this machine does not provide perfect driver for win 2000 pro. Even though I paied alot to buy this computer, I can not perfectly use this. And one of my devices is not work at all even if using recovery CD, so that I installed my own version of XP to this com(multi booting) then it works well.

2. can not use provided programme to my own OS
I made multi booting but I can not install provided your programme at all.

At the moment I do not use this computer I just use my notebook which I can install win 2000 pro.
Could you tell me or what way is the best for me?
If I want to use other OS how I can the driver?


The machine you purchased is designed for XP only.

You see, the driver-support for Windows 2000 has never been really well, and since not even Microsoft will support Win2k as of the end of the year, I can understand Sony quite well, that they don't supply Win2k-drivers.

The software that was supplied with your machine is also for Win XP only. However, if you ask around, you might findsomebody with a Win2K machine who can tell you about what Sony-progrrams run with Windows 2000.

Good luck