
Please help me!

Hey there realy need some help i'm not to computer savy and brought an s series 15" laptop. I have the assist button which i though would be a good idea as i know very little about computers. How ever.... everytime i press this button it brings up the menu on the right hand side of the screen and the rest of the screen goes black, and a message comes up and tells me vaio shell has stoped working and windows is looking for a solution to the problem, but it never comes up with one. If i go through the menu and open vaio shell without pressing the assisit button it still tells me the same thing. If anyone has any advice on the matter it would be much appreciated. Thanks


This is the latest from Support on this issue:

The problem is not present in the factory shipping state and it is thought that updating Windows .NET Framework causes the problem.

VAIO Care update 8.x, which does not have the bug discussed in this thread, was released to our customers in Nov-2012. However, please note that this update is only available via “VAIO Software Self-Update”, i.e., the to-be-updated software (in this case, “VAIO Care”) will prompt you for update when it is running provided that you have an active internet connection.

If you cannot run VAIO Care (and therefore cannot obtain the latest update), we advise the following steps
1) Perform a system restore to a previous date when VAIO Care program was still working. If this does not help, back up data and attempt a clean recovery à remember this issue does not exist in the factory shipping state
2) Run VAIO Care program and download the latest version.

I hope this helps anyone that still has the problem.


Go n-éirí an bóthar leat


I encountered this same error today after I updated VAIO Care from version 6.4 to 8.1 by using the self-update software. I went through this discussion and tried every step mentioned (uninstalled/reinstalled VAIO Care, downloaded the software again, uninstalled/reinstalled .NET Framework...) in every possible order but nothing seem to work. The clean recovery/factory reset shouldn't be the answer to this since it has been done less than a month ago. Has VAIO Support given any other solution to this problem after the last post?



Windows 7 Pro, 64bit

Let me know if you need any other hardware/software information in order to help me in this situation.

Thanks in advance,


I have the same problem on my SVE1511F1EW. I uninstalled Vaio Care then went to the Sony downloads and at the third attempt was successful downloading and installing Vaio Care.  I was then advised I could not use Vaio Care until I had downloaded an update that took ages. Eventually it was installed and lo and behold I have the same problem.  I cannot beleive that any computer manufacturer cannot resolve such a problem more quickly as the first post was 6 months ago.

Any news from the support regarding this problem?

anthal wrote:

Any news from the support regarding this problem?

No, but we have chased....


Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Hi all,

Aussie here....joining discussion

Here is my current story.

Running Z228GG...imported from Hong Kong

Stock with Windows 7 Pro....under warranty for 2 more months as got it with 12 + bonus 3 month warranty.

Had deleted finger print scanner and the bloat ware ie. Nortons

All updates only via Vaio Care even if that ment I received them 3 months after release on Sony Asia website.

Had Vaio Care 7.0 running no issues.

Updated to Vaio 7.3 no issues and noted the new lay for extra thought grrrr

Completed other updates suggested.

Then suddenly got Vaio Shell Stopped working message around 20th+ January 2013.

Searched and went to Sony Asia website.

Attempted update to Vaio 8.1 via direct download and installing. It got to half way installing then said cannot and stopped.

At the time I did a AVG free virus scan and it did find one file that it killed\repaired not related to sony I believe.

Rang Sony Support Australia for help and got gate keeper who had no idea and then on checking said system restore point use. 3-5 day wait for tech support to return call. Email also sent.

Attempted Restore back to 17th Jan and this resulted in two issues the VC Systmtray error appears as well as Vaioshell.

Went back to the 7th Jan and that resulted in the two errors and stopped access to google chrome starting up. It also moved Vaio Care back to 7.0

I then went back to 10 minutes before on the 31 Jan thinking this would not affect my last reatore point of the 1st Jan. WRONG! I have since noted all restore points have been set to 31st Jan : (

Even though I went back to 10minutes before commencing retore point it fixed the Google chrome issue, but Vaio care was still on 7.0?

I then deleted Vaio Update and reinstalled original file as on Sony Asia drivers\programs.

It installed and austomatically updated to the latest update.

I noted that no original Vaio Care driver\program on Sony Asia site, just updates.

The messages appear every 2 minutes exactly.

I then attempted to direct install 7.3 Vaio Care update, which resulted in it commencing, but then vanishing

from screen with no result.

I rang Sony support 7 days after no resposnse and initially informed that tech have issue and will get back.

I pushed for a support guy and this is where I began educating them and fearing the worst at this point.

They directed me to Sony Asia site and discovered for themselves, what I had told them, no Vaio Care driver/program.

They suggested restore, which revealed that the Vaio Update reinstall had wiped all my previous

restore points.

They then said that this is less than 5% in all Vaio computer issue around the world. Don't know cause and

that the only option is a full system recovery from backup disks and then complete all updates to latest.

Were unable to answer what happens if the problem occurs again.

I asked about uninstalling Vaio Care and informed that problem may still persist.

Informed no driver or program on website because Vaio Care is meshed\intergrated into Windows 7.

Blue function keys may stop working if uninstalled....I need screen brightness and volume to work on the road!

I have now discovered that about 3 minutes after startup the VCsystemtray error appears and gives me the option to minimise! I minimise and use computer without interruption. Yes it sits in the task bar on bottom left and right side of tray, but no more popups or Vaioshell and the custermize window does not fillup with computer pictures.

I attempted in Msconfig to stop it by disabling change to errors.

I looked in Windows Task manager and see Vcsystemtray runnning using 626K of memory.

I have reviewed most posts on google and this seems the best thread to confirm its a wide spread issue.

Is this a warranty issue and could I pursue a NEW VAIO Z series installed with Windows 8

Reading up the Windows 8 not fully compatinble with all features of Z serires though : (

(on a side note the length of this post resulted in the space between sentences being compressed....had to

press enter all the time to create space? No copy/paste?)

Any bettter/newer knowledge or suggestions than Sony have please respond!

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