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Jealous / eifersüchtige Software (English + Deutsch)


Jealous / eifersüchtige Software (English + Deutsch)

Hi there!


My Vaio was sold along with some software for video processing and CD recording. As I wanted to go on using much more powerful programs I had paid big money for before, I installed them, but none of them worked. Obviously the built-in software attracts all tasks to itself and prevents other programs from doing them, e.g. denies access to the CD recorder for them.

Is this problem known, and has it been solved by anybody? How?

Thank you for answers!


Mein Vaio wurde mit einiger Software zur Videobearbeitung und zum CD-Brennen verkauft. Da ich meine alten, besseren Programme weiter benutzen wollte, die teuer genug waren, habe ich sie installiert, aber keins lief. Offensichtlich zieht die eingebaute Software alles an sich und hindert andere Software daran, diese Aufgaben zu übernehmen, indem sie z.B. den Zugriff auf den CD-Brenner verweigert.

Ist jemand demselben Problem begegnet und konnte es lösen? Wie?

Danke für Antworten!



Hmm that's very strange.
I have a feeling you should try uninstalling it in safe mode, then rebooting in normal mode and redetecting the drive. Otherwise you'd have to go into the registry and "force" it to recognise the drive...

Thanks once more! You're admirably patient with my problem.

As by now there are other things that bother me (my house is being reconstructed, I'm standing knee-deep in dust) I'll keep your advice in mind and do so, as soon as there's more time left for things of this minor importance.

I'll report the success here (Manitou may give it!).

Well, good luck with the house repairs, and remeber to keep your VAIO covered, you don't want dust clogging it's fans.


I may have a solution.
I have found that using a freshly built Vaio with no other software works fine. I then install a new CD Burner. I have done this with a couple, can't remember which ones, but they were not the ones included with the PC. I then go and try to burn a DVD with ClickToDVD and my drive is not found.
The only way to get round this was to rebuild my PC using the restore disks as I had turned off the restore option in XP.
So, what I deduced form this was Sony built PCs have some very customised files and drivers associated with the hardware, such as the DVD writer or CD writer and so another program being installed may overwrite such files, causing things to not work
Now I know that my problem is almost the exact opposite, as Nero has always worked happily alongside my other bundled software, but it may be related to this.
Also, if you go into the NEro menus and click the recorder menu and then click select recorder, you should have an option of which drive to use. What do you have?
If you have the image drive, and your own drive, but corssed out, then you are using a dodgy serial number. I found this when I bought a cd writer which cam eiwth a copy of Nero and it's own serial number. After scrapping that old PC, I used the copy of NEro and it's serial key on the new PC, the serial key was only for Richo drives, so it would not work
Maybe this is the problem.
Also, naked women rock

Yep - that's something you'll find with Nero, it's custom-made to it's make. The best is to get it retail, so it works with everything.

Naked women :smileygrin: ........ What ! Where ! How many ! : :anguished:

Haha, we've started something here.....
