

Hi can anyone please help me, I have a vaio VGC-V2S and reinstalled back up discs but have not got giga pocket any where on my PC, does anyone know of a link where I can download this? Thanks Tony


Hi Tony and welcome,

The V2S was never sold with Giga Pocket installed. By the time your Vaio was released, Giga Pocket had become a part of Vaio Zone and you should be able to record and play back TV by going to Start -> All Programs -> VAIO Zone -> VAIO Zone Settings and setting up your TV Channels.

The specifications for the V2S show the preinstalled software as: -

Adobe Acrobat Reader, Click to DVD, DVGate Plus, Hotkey Utility, Memory Stick Formatter, Microsoft Works, Norton Internet Security, Norton Password Manager (Trial), PictureGear Studio, RecordNow!, SonicStage, Sonicstage Mastering Studio, VAIO Edit Components, VAIO Media, VAIO Power Management, VAIO System Information, VAIO Update, VAIO Zone, WinDVD for VAIO.

VAIO Zone and Giga Pocket are not downloadable. Nor can you download any of the preinstalled software.


Hi, thanks for your email back, i made back up discs when i got my vaio,it took 5 cds,and completed ok,when i went to do a clean install it ask for disc 6?? i didnt have it so i brought a set of 2 discs from the net which was ment to reinstall back to factory settings,i install it ok but there is no vaio zone or anything.all i got is vaio recovery tool, sorry but i dont really know that much about pcs.Could you please help me with this? Also when i play dvds i got no sound? music plays ok just not sound on dvds. Kind Regards Tony

You can't buy factory discs from anyone but vaio Link as the MOD file format that the bundled software hides in will only unpack in response to a hardware serial number specific to your machine. Kpac.exe used to used with .pac files but very few programs are loaded in that format. In a nutshell you need to bite the bullet and buy recovery disks from Vaio link and give the serial number up Tones. Cost is about 30 euros

Hi, thanks for that info,i brought the discs from gener communications in telford, they are rubbish! i did look on the vaio web site and couldnt find anything about discs? I give up sony are a pain. Regards Tony

Hi Tony,

to purchase a set of recovery disc's for your Vaio either telephone vaio-Link or contact them via E-support ..

Vaio-Link contact information HERE

Thanks Thalamus, I have contacted e-support twice but as of yet had no reply. I will take your advise and buy the discs direct from sony vaio. Cheers for your help, Tony