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SONY BRAVIA KDL60W605B Smart 60 inch LED TV screen problem x2


SONY BRAVIA KDL60W605B Smart 60 inch LED TV screen problem x2



On Saturday, we bought a Sony Bravia KDL60W605B from Curry's in Brighton (Old Shoreham Road).


When we got home and switched the TV on, we immediately noticed foggy patches of light on the screen on each of the bottom corners of the screen, along with a few fainter patches down the edges of the screen. When viewing normal TV & mobies, it is barely noticable, but while watching a film like Prometheus, with lots of dark, the patches were very noticable.


We messed around with the backlight settings, which did help a little, resulting in a much darker screen though.


Luckily we bought a warranty, so called the warranty help line, who told us to return the tv for an exchange.


We got home this evening with the new exchanged TV, only to find exactly the same issue, but worse. the photo's below don't really show the extent of the problem.


Thinking of returning theTV tomorrow for a full refund and warranty refund, as £850 is a lot of money for such a bad picture.


Anyone else had to return their KDL60W605B?


Could there be a simple fix (the latest software installed upon first power up)?









Hello misderm I'm so sorry to hear about your misfortune concerning your TV,I have the same identical telly and my picture is absolutely perfect,however mine cost £1150.00 but came with a sound bar and subwoofer,I would be bloody raging if that had happened to me,hope everything turs out well for you but I wouldn't use your jumper to clean it though.i do have a problem with my sound though,now and again the sound go's of for about a second which is very annoying,all the best Steve