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Can anyone recommend EX52x calibration settings?

Can anyone recommend EX52x calibration settings?

Hi all,

I have a KDL-40EX524 and I can't get the picture close enough to being acceptable. I have downloaded calibration discs and [tried to] follow the instructions but the picture still appears too dull to me.

Can anyone recommend some settings for a similar LED backlit TV?

Thanks in advance.




OK. I couldn't get any help online, so after playing with the settings (with a little help from the free THX Optimizer) I came up with some settings I am happy with (for now at least). I thought I'd post them for anyone else having the same problem. If you can improve on them, then please reply and share you info.

Backlight - 7

Contrast - Max (yes, I know)

Brightness - 55

Colour - 60

Hue - 0

Colour Temp - Neutral

Sharpness - 65

Everything else = Off / Zero


Hi was going to suggest this to you as the THX optimiser can be found on many DVD's and a couple of blu ray discs, Star Wars and T2 are a couple i can think of, it works exceptionally well and does most people, the seriouse ones will try the spears munsil disc, but im happy with the THX one myself.

BTW. contrast is far too high, are you sure your using the optimiser!. lol

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923


Thanks for the replies.

It is high indeed. The optimizer asks you to adjust the contrast up until you can only just make out the four shades of white. Even at max I can still see them clearly even though my backlight is already pretty high on 7. These settings are the first ones that don't leave the colours looking washed out and the white 'dirty', so although I'm concerned by the high level of contrast, I am happy with the picture (at last). I [clearly] don't know much about this area but maybe one of the other settings is offsetting the high contrast - I have no idea.

For info, Finding Nemo is the DVD I found it on, but THX.COM have a list of which contains the optimizer on. Be sure to check the region on there as some have it for region 1 and no other.

Just a quick update for those looking to calibrate an EX52x TV. 

The settings above were [disappointingly] as good as I could get until I stumbled across something at the weekend. I was in the TV settings looking to turn off the motion sensor (which is a complete waste of time because it keeps thinking no-one is in the room - we must sit too still!). I noticed that the setting below was a Light Sensor. This apparently is designed to cope with varying light conditions in the room. I turned this off and it was like hitting a magic button. Instantly the picture came to life with the colours vibrant and bright. I am now able to turn the contrast down to 50, backlight down to 6/7. I've also tinkered by lowering the brightness and colour a little to give me a fantastic HD picture.

It took a while but I now have a picture that I'd hoped for.  I hope this helps someone else.


Glad you were able to set it up and should apologise for not mentioning the Light sensor!, thought you already knew that, makes a big difference to the picture when its off!

you should still run the optimiser one more time as this sets the picture as the film directors intend it.

Yes. I think I will. Thanks for your comments.

Admittedly Motionflow is not for everybody, but the Sony does a fair job with it, try setting that to Clear and put film mode to Auto 2, every set is different but mine is on custom mode, with b/light at 7, contrast 85, brightness 55 colour 50,sharp 60, but im always tinkering about with it, silly i know but im always looking for something bettter!!

The EX524 doesn't have Motionflown but I tried your other settings and they are great. Everything seems spot on now (although, like you, I'm sure I shall continue to tinker here and there when I start watching different sources).  Anyway to summarise here are my new settings (just in case you can't be bothered to read the whole thread):

Light Sensor - OFF

Backlight - 7

Contrast - 85

Brightness - 55

Colour - 50

Hue - 0

Colour Temp - Neutral (although I am tempted to put this on Warm 1)

Sharpness - 60

Film Mode - Auto

Everything else = Off / Zero

Thanks for your help Bravia55!!!!!!!!