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3D viewing


3D viewing

Hello Im Steve, can someone help me ? i have bought a sony KDL52HX903 TV which I am told is 3D ready. I also purchased separately the sony sync transmitter BR100 and two pairs of active TDGBR100 3D glasses. i have followed the instruction from the sony web site for installation but i dont seem to getting the 3D experience. The 3D picture displayed, is similar either watching it with or without the glasses on. The sync bar is in the correct position and the glasses are switching on correctly, i have tried different media sources, 3D DVD on my blue ray player via HDMI and 3D movie through internet via you tube, still the images are blurred, well not in 3D. I suspect the sync transmitter although the 3D in the options page on my TV have come up, allowing me to select, OFF, side by side, up and over and 3D simulated, which i have tried all settings without any success. I read on the internet to verify the sync transmitter is to take a picture using a digital camera, this should show the LED from the sync transmitted illuminated. i tried this and the LED's are not on, in the picture, does this mean that the sync transmitter is broken or have i taken the picture incorrectly, timing etc ?