sony blu ray dvd player bdp s3700

sony blu ray dvd player bdp s3700


I use to play all avi files on my dvd player. Unfortunately, for the past month, the dvd player is no longer play avi file. I got the message: "the file is corrupt or unsupported" as per the attach file.

I set the dvd player to factory setting and I also did all the updates.

Based on what I read on the internet, I must convert avi files to H262 or mpeg-4. 

I would appreciate your help to solve this problem as I am truy very disappointed with this model.

Best regards.file is corrupt or unsupported.jpg





According to the manual you should have for this Bluray Player, pages 34 and 35:-


Motion JPEG*6.  AVI  .avi      Dolby Digital, LPCM, AAC, MP3

*6 The player does not play this file format on a DLNA server (BDP-S3700 only).


So it should play .avis, but not off a DLNA server, on your model of Player.


Is this your issue?

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…


Thank you for your response. Yes, it should play avi files but unfortunately, it did not recognize avi as per the error message I posted to the Sony Community.

I am hoping to get help to what should I do to let this video player works? Maybe it needs some fixes or updates.



This is the Sony Community.


You say you tried to play avi files, but you still haven’t told us from what source, and how it was connected to the BluRay Player.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…


I always like Sony products and I have Bravia TV and Xperia mobile as well as Sony 3700s that I have some problems with for not playing AVI files. Unfortunately, the response I got is simply not adequate.


As advance pc user, I have made a lot of researchs and find the appropriate solution that, in my view, will help many users that might face this problem.

The problem is not in the Sony BDB 3700s  Vedio player that will work very well if  you follow two simple steps:


1. Choose MPEG-4 format and forget about AVI or the lengthy format in the manual.

2. encode the download mp4 video file with the apprpriate "Disk compatible DVD/AVC HD/BD"


For sure, the Sony DVD player will work very well without any error messages. Vrery impressive. Problem solve.



Not applicable

And if what they suggested above didn't really help the next step would be converting the files to another format first on a PC/laptop using any 3rd party software, the transfer them on a USB and try to play them once more, hopefully that helps.