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RDR-HXD995: No picture, no sound

RDR-HXD995: No picture, no sound

In search for a new channel I have made a mess out of the HD-recorder's tuning.


- relevant channels seems to be found during a rescan. BUT:

- no picture, black screen (all channels)

- no sound (all channels)

- only danish subtitles appear (where relevant, that is: program is not danish)

What does that indicate ?

Doesn't seem to be a question about cable or socket. I think.

Tuning of television set works alright though, no problems here.

PS: Will a Reset to factory settings affect my harddisk ?


What you describe is very strange! How do you know that the scanning worked if you don't see any picture/sound?

In any case starting from square one it's a good idea. Resetting the recorder doesn't affect you HDD content, so let's have a try (push stop and power off button without any disk in the tray, unplug from power for at least 1 minute). Good luck

Unfortunately the Reset didn't help.

Yes. I should have been more accurate in my description of the scanning proces.

When running through the Auto-tuning: the display shows me that some forty channels have been found and the  relevant channel names are lined up quite correct. Most of the channels are are coded pay-channels but I should be able to watch a handful of the public channels without any further action.

But afterwards when I look at the channels one by one through the recorder (AV1) they all:

- show the relevant and correct channelname in the corner

- show danish subtitles if the program isn't a danish production (perhaps the strongest indication of that "something" went well)

- but no picture besides that, just a black screen

- and no sound

Bottom line: I can watch my old DVDs and HD-recordings but I'm unable to record anything.

we are talking about digital channel, since you talk about paytv. Again it's strange that you can watch your recording and not the tv...otherwise could have been something with the scart connection.

When you look at the channel don't you get any "no signal" message? What the about signal strenght and quality indicators?