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Help please with DVD Recorder RDR-DC100 not recognising discs !

Help please with DVD Recorder RDR-DC100 not recognising discs !

Hello could anyone help please. I have 2 DVD recorders RDR -DC 100 one of which I have had from new and the other I have just bought still boxed from new. Both are functioning normally in most areas but neither recognise blank dvds which I am attempting to use to record on. I am using the type recommended in the handbook. Both recorders go through the process of loading and this appears on the tv screen. Both make intermittent noises in the loading area but eventually state “no disc”. It seems strange both machines are acting identically. Could anyone suggest a solution. Many thanks.Barry

Community Team

Hi @Barrykeith, make sue tat you're using a supported disc. The playable discs can be found on pages 108 & 109. If they're supported, then try resetting the recorded, page 105.

Hello and many thanks for your comments. On carefully studying the manual I have now noticed that although certain format DVDs can be used for recording on this machine,they are also listed as DVDs that cannot be played on the machine. Most of my recordings on my original machine were made on DVD-R blank discs which I cannot play on this machine only my regular DVD player. Any further help would be appreciated. Regards,Barry

At this point it really does sound like there is a 'real' problem somewhere and particularly as you mentioned earlier that neither machine would load and play a regular commercial CD.


It is at this point that things get more involved and some proper fault finding and diagnostics are required.
Community Team

Hey Barrykeith, based on your latest content, it seems that the players are behaving normally. So I don't think this is an issue at all.

Have the CD-Rs you have been recording on your regular DVD player been 'finished'.

Recordings made on a CD-R can only be played on the DVD recorder they were created on 

until the outro track has been made, i.e. finished.

Once the CD-R has been finished you should be able to play them on other DVD players.



Yes, all sorts of things can go screwy in the wonderful world of burning your own discs.


But neither of @Barrykeith ‘s devices will play commercial DVDs, and neither of them will play commercial CDs. And not just not play; it won’t even recognise them as discs.


They are supposed to; that’s ground zero for these devices.


So I just don’t think that you can suggest that these players are behaving normally, and that there’s no issue here 😢


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