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KDL-50wf663 + playsation pro = impossible to play 4k

KDL-50wf663 + playsation pro = impossible to play 4k

I bought sony bravia to play 4k gaming on my ps4 pro and what a uter shambles the screen is pitch black  you can barely see anything, tried all the setting but its either to dark or really crappy picture, seariously regret buy it and feel sony's lately just buy cheap labour or parts and selling them has great parts just like the ps4 platinum headset  i had a original ps4 headset and yes due to wear and taer the plastic eventually broke but when i saw the platinum ones i finally thought great a headset i can have and not worry about breaking oh was i in for a shock i bought 3 platinum headsets and all 3 broke in the exact same place the usb which in my opion was made chDSC_0259.JPGeaply has i barely moved the usb and it completly broke from the solder enabling this never to be fixed all 3 usb did the same thing but here is the thing i took my original usb  and threw it agasint the wall and guess what when i pluged it in it still worked, i feel let down by sony and this 4k tv  is the icing on the cake, and this is from someone who had 5 ps3s ive bought 4 ps4 pros 4 ps4 normal ones and 1 slim along with nearly 300 ps4 games and 1 z1 1 z3 a XY and feel  i wont be moving forward with sony when the next gen of gaming stuff comes out you have let a loyal customer down for the last time


Ok maybe my english is not that good, but it seems rather impossible to understand what you are talking about.

In any case one thing is crystal clear: you bought a FULL HD only TV and you expect it to be a 4K TV!!