
error 62:1o

Gets flashing E6210 on my Dsc-rx100m2.  what will the repail cost, and will the repair 25last?  


Hi @tortom and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


You're best contacting Sony Support to find out potential repair prices.


support details


Before you do, it may be worth you trying these steps to see if it fixes the problem.

(Although you may have tried it already.)


For errors starting with E:61, E:62, E:91, E:92  

When the errors shown below are displayed, follow the steps below.

  1. Turn off the power of the camera.
  2. Remove the battery pack.
  3. Attach the battery pack.
  4. Turn on the power of the camera after about one minute.

Check the table below for other errors displayed on your camera.

Error Code Possible Causes
E: 61: 00 Issue of the focus driving part
E: 61: 10 Issue of the zoom driving part
E: 61: 30 Issue of the lens driving part
E: 62: 02 Issue of the image stabilization
E: 62: 10
E: 62: 11
E: 62: 12
E: 62: 20
E: 91: 01 Issue of the flash unit part
E: 91: xx Issue of the flash unit part, battery recognition, etc.

If the error is not resolved after following the troubleshooting steps for the corresponding error listed in the table, service may be required.




This is a problem many users are experiencing using Sony camera's. The error codes can be found at A temporary solution is available at or take a look at

It's just happened on my 15 month old HX400V.. Loss of image stabilisation and the error message flashing. Apparently a common fault put down to the low cost of the camera and therefore poorer build quality. 

I've tried turning on,zooming out full and removing battery for a few seconds then reinserting battery and turning on. Error message now gone but yet to see if it works next time I try to use the relatively new camera or if message gone will image stabiliser work. I'm put off the brand at the moment.

Hi @StevenWright ,
Thank you for your feedback.
This is indeed a very common fault on the HX300 and HX400 models that is known since years.
On the non-commercial website you will find more than nine hundred forums where dozens of users complain about the very same problem appearing on their devices shortly after expiration of the warranty period.
The root cause of this recurring problem is not due to the low cost of the device, but to the tearing of the flex ribbon between the motherboard and the Hall sensors of the stabilization mechanism. This ribbon costs only a few dollars.
The workaround procedure that you are referring to and that is demonstrated in the video documented above, has to be repeated after each power-up of the camera. It will eventually stop working when the flex ribbon is completely teared up.

49df08421072485a9e4d2e41c6234956_cr.jpg       3c965604ae9a461f95fa3642aa0d3f1e.jpg
Sony is aware of this problem since 2015.
Still they issued the new model HX350 in 2017...with the same default.
On the french forum the Sony services recognized that this is programmed obsolescence.

You should contact Sony services and complain for a hidden and structural defect, and eventually contact consumer support associations. SONY Cameras / Error message E:62:10 / Stabilizer operation This video demonstrates the recurring problem E:62:10 that appears on SONY cameras HX300-HX400-HX400V, and a temporary fix to the problem. En Français : In het ... SONY Cameras / Error message E:62:10 / Stabilizer operation This website demonstrates the recurring problem E:62:10 that appears on SONY cameras, and a temporary fix to the problem. The URL has been changed
Community Team

@ StevenWright, let us know how it goes, also, did you try resetting the camera?

Yes reset doesn't fix it. It's a hardware problem of long standing with a ribbon connector and Sony seem unwilling to address it according to independent forums.
Community Team

Hi StevenWright, your camera might need inspection, my advice is to contact Sony.

Hi @StevenWright 


You might indeed want to contact the support services of Sony, see the link above ( and then come back here and share your experience with us.


As far as I know Sony unfortunately never fixes or repairs directly the devices, they apparently decided to outsource the repair business to external and independent shops (so that problems at this level are never their fault).


My guess is the following :


- First thing they'll ask you is to send your purchase invoice.
With this they'll be able to see if the warranty period is over or not.
Something you can easily figure out by yourself, of course.
Unfortunately in UK the warranty period is only 1 year (see,
whereas in other European countries it is 2 years (see e.g.
If your device is still under warranty, they will send you back to your place of purchase.
If your device is not under warranty any more, they will send you back to an independent repair shop.
With your 15 month old device you will thus end up in the second case.

- Despite existing laws on hidden defects they will refuse to support the repair of your device

- The repair shop will then most probably ask you to send your device. At your own costs and risks.

Although the root cause of the problem is already known (see above), they will probably ask a fee for inspection.
Instead of fixing the flex ribbon that is the root cause of the recurring problem on those devices,
they will say that it is needed to replace the full optical block.

Although only the stabilization is faulty and replacement of the flex ribbon would be enough, and the ribbon costs only a few dollars on known commercial web sites.
And replacing the full optical block costs a significant proportion of the purchase price of the device.

You can find all those details, and more, on the non-commercial website

Unfortunately it seems that people from the Sony company have difficulties accessing, reading, or understanding the facts exposed there.

A serious company that cares about quality would immediately take this into consideration, and even thank the people that have reported a structural defect of their manufacturing processes.
Up till now (?) this is not (yet?) the case here.

Please let us know what will be YOUR experience.



Hi @StevenWright , any news with Sony support service ?